This VI captures the region of the screen and displays it on the front panel continuously which can be used to develop remote desktop applications.
This code demonstrates how to utilize .NET functions in LabVIEW to continuously capture the region of the screen. It is not a simple print screen algorithm, but a high-performance implementation using the low level .NET functions in LabVIEW.
Steps to Implement or Execute Code
Additional Information or References
Front Panel
**This document has been updated to meet the current required format for the NI Code Exchange.**
NIコミュニティのサンプルコード交換のサンプルコードは、MIT Licenseによりライセンス供与されています。
This is a good project. We can use it in our project. I wonder if this can be use to extend the display to a second screen like what certain devices can do (e.g. USB-to-VGA connector). We want to send the captured image to an FPGA board and transfer that image from the board to a screen in a VGA based signal.
The Vi works great expect for a small memory leak.
I used it in a loop and got my memory full after a couple of hours.
the problem was that the references needed to be closed after disposing their content.