09-09-2019 01:47 AM - edited 11-25-2019 04:07 AM
De onderwerpen voor 12 december zijn:
FPGA computing acceleration for Neural Networks
Natan Biesmans - (Qplox engineering)
FPGA’s have been used to pre- and post-process signals, meet deterministic timing constraints and to programmatically create hardware interfaces in LabVIEW. However, we only have scratched the surface. This presentation will follow the mindset of the big players like Xilinx and Intel where the CPU is offloaded and the FPGA becomes the true heart of the system. Allowing us to reach computing performances previously only available in the most powerful of systems. This presentation will discuss computing acceleration topologies, loading and changing FPGA code during runtime, CPU to FPGA communication, low level constraints and how to overcome them.
Snake on FPGA
Pascal Heinen - (VI Technologies)
As a hobby project, I've recreated the famous Snake game on the FPGA of a MyRIO. It features 800x600 60Hz VGA signal generation, 8 color RGB graphics, random item placement, 1 and 2 player game modes and Atari CX40 Joystick support. There is no code running on the Real-Time target, only FPGA code loaded from the flash memory. During this presentation we will do a in-depth code review to get an insight in the techniques used to recreate this gem of a game.
Snake on FPGA
12-13-2019 12:29 AM
Hallo allemaal, dankjewel voor alle mooie reacties!
De bron code voor Snake on FPGA is hier te downloaden:
You can download the source code for Snake on FPGA here:
12-16-2019 08:55 AM
Hi everyone,
Thank you all for being at the presentation.
I've added the presentation to this post. I also took the liberty to add some screencaptures to the presentation for all of you without myrio's.
I've also saved the code for LabVIEW 2018. (As I'm using some 2018 elements I can't go to earlier versions)
Hope you enjoy/enjoyed the presentation and demo.
Kind regards,
Natan Biesmans