Driver Development Kit (DDK)

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I would like to write a driver for USB9211 using libusb on linux 2.4 kernel on x86. I cannot use the ni drivers because of architectural limitations. Is it possible to get the lower-level USB command/response protocols for this device for me to write my own driver? Any other solution?


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Message 1 of 4

Hi Anurag-

There is currently no support for USB-9162 -based devices (including your USB-9211A) in the NI MHDDK and no documentation to aid in the development of custom drivers for that device.  Instead, NI provides support for Linux users with NI-DAQmx Base.  Can you please elaborate on why this driver solution will not work for you?  The biggest limitation I see is the fact that you're using a 2.4 kernel; I would encourage you to upgrade to a 2.6-based system and use a released version of NI-DAQmx Base.

As a bit more information, NI-DAQmx Base 2.1 provides support for the USB-9211 (C Series NI 9211 and USB-9161 carrier).  A forthcoming release (Q1 2008) of NI-DAQmx Base will provide support for the USB-9211A (C Series 9211 and USB-9162).  More information about the hardware differences can be found here.  Both releases of NI-DAQmx Base do/will provide full driver support with LabVIEW and ANSI C APIs for x86 Linux.

Hopefully this helps-

Tom W
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4

Is there anything new about this?


I cannot get the NI-DAQmx Base to work on Linux. The readDigPort example in nidaqmxbase/examples/dio always returns weird values (0xBF89EE18, 0xBFC7B9E8, 0xBFC15188, 0xBFA67FD8, 0xBF888DF8, ...). They do this even if the device is not connected to the PC ...


But even if it worked, I would not want to use it, because my program should be as independent and light-weight as possible, and it doesn't make any sense to use a library that together with its dependencies is more than 60M (!) big, when the same thing would be doable in a few KBs/lines of code using libusb, if only the protocol specs were made available.

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Message 3 of 4

Sorry, this somehow ended up in the wrong thread.

Should have been here instead.

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Message 4 of 4