Driver Development Kit (DDK)

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lsdaq does not list PCI 6602 timer board under Vista.

Hi, I installed the DDK and compiled the lsdaq utility.  I placed the WDM driver (nirlpk.sys) into the same directory as lsdaq.exe.  The problem is that when I run lsqdaq it does not find any NI devices.  SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces() simply ends on the first iteration with no devices.
I am currently using the latest NIDaqmx from C# and C++ (managed and ansi C interfaces) to program the 6602 but need to develop my own driver in order to deal with timer interrupts more efficiently.  I tried uninstalling the NI device driver but that made no difference. 
I really can't find any information on this so any help would be appreciated....  This is all under Windows Vista SP1.
Philip Gruebele
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3

Hi Philip-

Driver and device installation requirements on Windows Vista are much more stringent than on previous versions of Windows.  The MHDDK WDM driver source alone does not constitute a Vista driver "package"; some of the additional steps that would be required to get it working on Vista are described in detail in this white paper.

The nice thing is that NI has jumped through all the necessary hoops for you and provides NI-DAQmx as a Vista-ready driver solution.  I'd like to hear more about what aspect of NI-DAQmx performance is not working for your application.  Can you please elaborate?


Message Edited by Tom W [DE] on 07-22-2008 09:43 AM
Tom W
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3
Hi Tom,
Please see end of this thread for the jitter problem in the 6602 counter callback that I am experiencing:
I will take a look at your link and try to get things to work with the driver...
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 3