I try to use DMA transfer on Interupt from Counters on the NI6602
In addition to the programm there are some external input/outputs on the NI 6602 Card connected:
Most important are:
Counter 0 is working as an A,B,Z X4 Encoder, so the value represents the position of a antenna, and is reseted after every turn around.
Well this whole thing is in hardware counting, so it should be ok.
I need to get the value of the encoder on specific places of the antenna. Allways when, i trigger the transmitter of the radarsystem with a (gated) PRF-Signal generated by counter 2 on the NI 6602.
So i give this signal as gate into counter 1.
On counter 1 i activate the DMA and DMA_INT, and also the global interrupt r
I also create an array, to store encoder data in it with the ISR, just to avoid some direct printf.
However i print the results later.
So this results are looking like once the interupt has been detected, it will not detect any new one, because just the same data is there till the encoder changes.
So one question is, how to reset the interupt, so a new one will be recognized?
I will have about 3000 Interupts per second.
source is attached
Thanks a lot
Mario Behn