04-15-2008 05:18 AM
04-25-2008 01:23 PM
Hi Jon-
You're correct- the operation you need seems contrary to the normal operation of a FIFO. There's not a built-in functionality to query the FIFO status beyond the empty, ~half-full, and full states.
It seems like the latency of buffer updates might be the problem you're trying to address. This seems like a reasonable complaint; I'll guess that you are noticing longer than desired latencies between when you write to the FIFO and when the data actually gets clocked out. Since the AO FIFOs are relatively small, I'll assume that this also means you're using a relatively slow generation rate. Please correct me if my assumptions are wrong.
One way to possibly lower the latency would be to increase the generation rate and simply pad the output FIFO with additional values as needed to preserve the desired waveform characteristics. This way the FIFO would be cycled through much more often, so "fresh" FIFO data would appear on the outputs earlier. This is really the only way I can think of to lower latency when using programmed-I/O to the AO FIFOs.
Hopefully this helps-
04-28-2008 02:28 AM