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Cannot get 6612 Interrupts to PC

Hello All,


I'm working on a WDM Driver for 6612 and I set the Counter armed but I cannot get Interrupts from the device.

We have written a driver for 6602 that works very well and I took from it the values for Load_A and Load_B registers for a 2 Hz Interrupt

I have tried also with other values but still it does not work.


Here is the sequence log from the DbgView


00000000 0.00000000 KSync6612__WDM: sl - Hello from DriverEntry 
00000001 0.02739051 sl - We are in KSync6602__WDMDev::OnStartDevice 
00000002 0.02739307 sl - WE are in KSync6602__WDMDev::GetBusAndSlot()  
00000003 0.02740975 KSync6612__WDM: sl - BusNumber  = 2 
00000004 0.02741103 KSync6612__WDM: sl - SlotNumber = 0 
00000005 0.02741200 KSync6612__WDM: sl - FuncNumber = 0 
00000006 0.02744279 KSync6612__WDM: sl - InitializeOneBarMemoryRanges() OK. 
00000007 0.02746332 KSync6612__WDM: sl - m_Irq.BusVector() = -1 
00000008 0.02746556 KSync6612__WDM: sl - m_Irq.Affinity()  = 15 
00000009 0.02746684 KSync6612__WDM: sl - m_Irq.BusLevel()  = -1 
00000010 0.02746812 KSync6612__WDM: sl - m_Irq.BusType()   = -1 
00000011 0.02746941 KSync6612__WDM: sl - m_Irq.Irql()      = 5 
00000012 0.02747037 KSync6612__WDM: sl - m_Irq.IsValid()   = 1 
00000013 0.02747165 KSync6612__WDM: sl - m_Irq.Mode()      = 0 
00000014 0.02747294 KSync6612__WDM: sl - m_Irq.Vector()    = 81 
00000030 0.02750886 KSync6612__WDM: sl - THE CHIP SIGNATURE = 0xc0107ad0 
00000031 0.02751239 KSync6612__WDM: sl - THE REVISION DATA  = 0x8050501 
00000032 0.02751431 KSync6612__WDM: sl - SELF-TEST ScratchPadRegister write value = 0x202 
00000033 0.02751784 KSync6612__WDM: sl - SELF-TEST ScratchPadRegister read value  = 0x202 
00000034 0.02751976 KSync6612__WDM: sl - SELF-TEST ScratchPadRegister write value = 4096 
00000035 0.02752329 KSync6612__WDM: sl - SELF-TEST ScratchPadRegister read value  = 4096 
00000037 0.02752874 KSync6612__WDM: sl - Reset and disarm the counter => G0_CommandRegister written with 0x4010 
00000039 0.02753388 KSync6612__WDM: sl - KCard_6612::SetInterruptMaskRegister with 0x80000a00 
00000040 0.02753740 KSync6612__WDM: sl - THE INTERRUPT_MASK_REG = 0x80000a00 
00000041 0.02753901 KSync6612__WDM: sl - KCard_6612::SetGlobalInterruptEnableRegister  with value = 0x4 
00000042 0.02754093 KSync6612__WDM: sl - KCard_6612::SetG0_Interrupt1Register          with value = 0x4800 
00000043 0.02754414 KSync6612__WDM: sl - THE INTERRUPT_STATUS_REG = 0x0 
00000044 0.02754735 KSync6612__WDM: sl - THE G0_STATUS_REG = 0x0 
00000045 0.02754895 KSync6612__WDM: sl - START TEST FOR ActivateCounterInterrupt  
00000046 0.02755023 KSync6612__WDM: --------------------------------------------  
00000047 0.02755280 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_Reload_Source_Switching    => G0_ModeRegister         set value = 0x8000  // use alternate registers 
00000048 0.02755633 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_Loading_On_Gate            => G0_ModeRegister         set value = 0x8000  // no counter reload on gate 
00000049 0.02755825 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_ForceSourceEqualToTimebase => G0_ModeRegister         set value = 0x8000  // use TB3 (100MHz) 
00000050 0.02756018 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_Loading_On_TC              => G0_ModeRegister         set value = 0x9000  // reload on TC 
00000051 0.02756210 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_Output_Mode                => G0_ModeRegister         set value = 0x9100  // counter TC on Out 
00000052 0.02756370 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_Load_Source_Select         => G0_ModeRegister         set value = 0x9180  // Load from B 
00000053 0.02756563 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_Counting_Once              => G0_ModeRegister         set value = 0x9180  // No hardware disarm 
00000054 0.02756755 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_Stop_Mode                  => G0_ModeRegister         set value = 0x91a0  // stop on Gate or first TC 
00000055 0.02756916 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_Gating_Mode                => G0_ModeRegister         set value = 0x91a0  // Gating mode disabled 
00000056 0.02757108 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_Up_Down                    => G0_Mode2Register        set value = 0x0     // count down 
00000057 0.02757269 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_Bank_Switch_Enable         => G0_Mode2Register        set value = 0x1000  // set switch 
00000058 0.02757461 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_Bank_Switch_Mode           => G0_Mode2Register        set value = 0x1400  // implicit 
00000059 0.02757653 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_Prescale                   => G0_CountingModeRegister set value = 0x0     // no prescale 
00000060 0.02757846 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_HW_Arm_Enable              => G0_CountingModeRegister set value = 0x0     // no HW_Arm_Enable 
00000061 0.02758006 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_Index_Mode                 => G0_CountingModeRegister set value = 0x10    // OK for other mode than quadrature 
00000062 0.02758199 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_Counting_Mode              => G0_CountingModeRegister set value = 0x10    // Default 
00000063 0.02758391 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_SampleClockMode            => G0_SampleClockRegister  set value = 0x0     // Disabled 
00000064 0.02758551 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_SampleClockMode            => G0_AuxCtrRegister       set value = 0x0     // no AuxCntr 
00000065 0.02758712 KSync6612__WDM: sl - G0_InputSelectRegister set value = 0x3c 
00000066 0.02758840 KSync6612__WDM: sl - G0_Load_A_Register value = 29999999 
00000067 0.02759000 KSync6612__WDM: sl - G0_Load_B_Register value = 9999999 
00000068 0.02759161 KSync6612__WDM: sl - setGi_Load                       => G0_CommandRegister      set value = 4 
00000069 0.02759321 KSync6612__WDM: sl - m_x_InterruptControl written with 0xff 
00000070 0.02759706 KSync6612__WDM: sl - THE G0_STATUS_REG = 0x0 
00000071 0.02760027 KSync6612__WDM: sl - m_x_InterruptStatus read value = 0x0 
00000072 0.02760187 KSync6612__WDM: sl - Arm the counter                  => G0_CommandRegister      set value = 0x1 
00000073 0.02760380 KSync6612__WDM: sl - CHECKING COUNTER ARMED BIT. BEFORE TIMESTAMP = 1585387274 
00000074 0.02760797 KSync6612__WDM: sl - CHECKING COUNTER ARMED BIT. AFTER TIMESTAMP  = 1585387278 
00000075 0.02761149 KSync6612__WDM: sl - THE G0_STATUS_REG = 0x100 
00000076 0.02761342 KSync6612__WDM: sl - THE COUNTER IS ARMED  
00000077 0.02768911 KSync6612__WDM: sl - m_pDev->Init succeeded  


Thanks in advance


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