I'm struggling at the moment with the attached VI using LabView 8.2, a Keithley 2400 Sourcemeter with a Keithley KUSB-488 USB-GPIB adapter. I want to run different ramping voltages (at the moment only linear ramping is programmed) measuring current. When I'm starting the program I get two error messages from the 2400 (-201, -420), then the voltage is properly ramped but the buffer is not read and I got a timeout error from "Wait for RQS". The funny thing is when I'm running an example program from Labview and then run my VI afterwards the currents can be read. When I now add a while loop between the VISA Event Icons I can read the currents one time but then I'm getting the timeout error again...
I want to stay with the VISA programming (and not with the 24xx-driver pallette) because this is only a small part of a bigger, more flexible program including more instruments.
I think I've done somethin wrong with either the instrument commands or the sequence for the buffer read...
I would be very thankful if someone can give some hints for my problem...thx.
Win XP, LabView 8.20