Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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Does anybody have an idea what causes this when I try to build my application?  Re-booting usually solves my build problems but didn't work this time.


Thanks, and have a good weekend.


C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2009\vi.lib\printing\ReportDocExtensions.llb\Standard Report\

Invoke Node in>>>>>>>>>>>
Method Name: <b>Save:Target Instrument</b>


Error 6 occurred at -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7
Accepted by topic author ChristopherS

I'm sorry it took so long for me to reply, thank you very much for your response.


I've read the links you posted but unfortunately I don't understand how those apply to my issue, I'm not using FPGA.


For some reason it builds fine when I leave all the VI properties at default, and that's fine for now.


Thanks again.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

This error is most often associated with FPGA code, but it can certainly come up for other reasons. Since you just said you were building application I assumed you meant FPGA.


Can you tell me more about your application?

What are you building? (exe, dll, .net assembly)

What is the general function of this Application.

What hardware does it interact with?

What step in the build process do you see this error?

Has this code compiled before?


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Can you tell me more about your application?

Tests cellular handset battery chargers using a power supply to simulate a battery (though I suppose with a few minor changes you could test any battery charger).


What are you building? (exe, dll)



What is the general function of this Application.

1. Sets a digital power supply in CV mode to seven voltage points (3.75-4.3v) and measures the DC current provided by the charger at each point via a dummy battery.

2. Graphs current measurements on the screen.

3. Logs measurements, charger serial number, date and time, and several drop-down menu selections to a tab-delimited *.xls file.

4. Compares each measurement to a pre-defined upper and lower limit read from a *.txt file according to the charger model selected in the drop down menu.

5. Presents operator with a PASS/FAIL decision in a pop-up window.

6. Prints a recertification label if overall result is "PASS".


I know you only asked for "general function" but it has several functions. 


What hardware does it interact with?

Agilent 66311b DC Source.


What step in the build process do you see this error?

I just rebuilt the application after modifying the VI properties as before in an attempt to reproduce the error so I can answer your question but can't seem to get it to fail any more.  I've never been so disappointed with success...


Has this code compiled before? , .net assembly)

Yes, the changes made in this build were a change of font (to Trebuchet MS), addition of a fourth tab, and a change in the "set run delay" of an Instrument I/O Assistant.


Thanks very much.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

So is it still giving you the error at this point?


Also check out this KB

Why Do I Receive Error Code 6 Occured at AB_Source_VI When Building an Executable?




0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

So is it still giving you the error at this point?


Negative.  It seems to be fine now.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7