Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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Using a PCI 4060 DMM, my system crashes if I exit app before closing.

Using a PCI 4060 DMM. If my application exits before closing the ViSession I get with niDMM_init(...) my system crashes. I have most cases in my app covered within try{}catch{} statments but, inevitably instances occur when an unexpected app shutdown happens without the chance to catch it and call niDMM_close(). Not only is this is very annoying, but in the high-throughput production environment they are being used, the time it takes for a PC reboot is time consuming and unacceptable.
Is this just how the driver works and just something I�ll have to live with? I have used different PCI devices in the past and have never had this problem. I like the functionality of the 4060 but this system crash
problem my force me to look for an alternative solution.
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Message 1 of 4
This issue is simply a limitation of how the NI-4060 was designed, and also a limitation of the Traditional DAQ driver that is used by the NI-4060. Unlike the Traditional DAQ driver, the NI-DAQmx driver was designed to cleanly recover from abnormal terminations of an acquisition, such as what you are doing, but unfortunately the NI-4060 is not supported in NI-DAQmx.

You only have two options: 1) Somehow ensure that the NI-4060's acquisition gets terminated in software by running niDMM_reset() or niDMM_close() before you quit the application. 2) Upgrade to a DMM that is supported in DAQmx, such as the NI-4070.

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Message 2 of 4


I am using a NI4060 dmm on an XP system. Previously I used the driver version 1.6 = no problems

Recently upgraded to the new driver : DMM SW Ver: NIDMM Rev: 2.4; Instrument Rev: 1.0 and using the latest NI MAX

Now my application does not shut down anymore on closure, and this is with doing the init() and close() functions.

I also get the random system reboot happening.

I am all out of ideas on how to fix this problem...

Anyone with some advice ?


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Message 3 of 4
Hi Morné,

Can you explain the behavior you're seeing in a little more depth?  When you mention that your application doesn't shut down on closure, are you experiencing a hang that requires you to restart LabVIEW?  If you step through your code, which function does this hang happen at?

Also, what version of Traditional NI-DAQ and NI-VISA are currently installed on the problem machine?

Have a great day!
Travis W

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Message 4 of 4