Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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DMM CF card - alternative for DMM 4050

Schedule NI for near future to develop DMM like PCMCIA 4050 in CF (compact flash) format. Is any alternative to use 4050 card in modern PAD. All comercial PDA-s are without PCMCIA slot? If still exist some PDA with PCMCIA send me the information
Thanks a lot!
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Message 1 of 2

I agree that a CF DMM would be a great product to have.  I encourage you to submit a product suggestion so that our your idea can be passed on to the developers. National Instruments' products are always evolving and customer suggestions are examined closely so we stay in touch with what people like you want.  To complete a suggestion just follow the steps below.  Unfortunately I am not aware of which new PDAs have a PCMCIA slot.  If you are unable to find a brand new model that has a PCMCIA slot you could always get a slightly older model for a fraction of the cost.


To complete a suggestion:

  1. Go to the Product Suggestion Center page.
  2. Sign in to your user account or create a new one.
  3. Select the product that you want to be improved.
  4. Click the Details button to continue.
  5. Fill out the required fields, making sure to provide adequate details in the Detailed Description field.
  6. Click the Submit button to send the suggestion to National Instruments.
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