Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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4070 out of tolerance even after multiple adjustments

I have an NI 4070 that remains out of tolerance even after multiple adjustment procedures have been run on DC Voltage, Current and Resistance.  My customer is getting upset and we need a solution.  I understand that the tolerances for As Left readings are 24 hour specs.  It fails 2-wire resistance after adjustment on the 100 and 1 kOhm ranges, 4-wire resistance on 1 kOhm range, DC Voltage on 1 V zero readings and +1 and -1 V readings and DC Current .02 A range zero Amps reading.  Has anyone else had this kind of problem and what is the solution?
Patricia Wills
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4
Hi Patricia,

I am going to assume that you are using Calibration Executive. Can you please answer a couple of questions for me:

1. What version of drivers do you have?
2. What version of CalExec do you have?
3. Which equipment are you using to perform these calibrations?
4. Have you tried this with another card?
5. When is the last time it was sent in for calibration?

** Very Important: Can you please send me the results page so that I can see where it failed **


Chris F.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4


Not sure about which version of drivers being used.  I am using Cal Exec 3.1.1, a 5700A and I have cal'd many other 4070's with no problems.  I told the customer it needed to be sent in for repair but that was declined.  It seems to not be saving the new cal constants to memory.  I just cal'd 2 more 4070's yesterday and they went fine as well as the cal adjust program worked fine.  I believe it is the unit, not the program.



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

If they did not want to RMA the board, what did they want to do at this point? Also, is it still possible for me to see where it is failing the calibration?


Chris F.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 4