07-12-2006 04:16 AM
07-12-2006 08:15 AM
07-13-2006 04:55 AM
07-13-2006 09:15 AM
It depends on how you want to do it. If you want to only control a single line, then you can select DAQmx Write to 'Digital Bool 1Line 1Point' and the data input is a Boolean. True for high False for low. You can write to multiply lines and specify 'Digital 1D Bool 1Chan 1Samp' and the data input isa Boolean array. Element 0 is for the first line and the last element in the array is for the last line. This is the method in Writ Dig Chan example. Write Dig Port configures DAQmx Write for 'Digital U32 1Chan 1Samp' and the data to write is a numeric. The example formats the data input as a hex number. The input of FF is the same thing as binary 11111111 so all lines are high. Set the data to FE which is binary 11111110 and all lines will be high except for the lsb (i.e. line 0). If you don't automatically think in hex like experienced programmers, you can set the format & precision to binary.
No, you do not always need an external sampling clock. I don't even know if the 6015 supports an exteranl clock.
07-13-2006 10:15 AM
07-27-2006 03:00 AM