Hi Forumer..
I'm newbie here... the situation is like this;
1) I have the NI PCI 5401 (digitizer/scope) and NI PCI 5112 (Function Gen)
2) Now I involve in bioimpedance measurement project where I inject current to the body via circuit and read back
the voltage via circuit by using scope. My scope have two channel.
3) My friend doesn't design/have a circuit that can measure current to be feed into digitizer.
4) I don't have DMM (digital multimeter to measure current)
The question I want to ask is...
Is it possible to detect phase delay with scope with just one channel by just using RTSI trigger with func gen?
is there any connector with one SMB connector to 2 BNC connector so I can put one BNC to my friend circuit and another
to channel 1 on digitizer..
thank you...