Digital I/O

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6071E DIO programming

Hello once again NI community

My name is Ryan and I am workign on a Senior Design project that involves the use of 6071E series DAQ cards to transmit its signals from it's numeorus digital and analog output pins. For this functionality we have been using a Visual Basic coding language to operate and use the cards.  

For the project we use the DIO pins on the 6071E Daq card to send either a High or Low signal out to a TTL buffer chip that we are using depending on the user inputs of output of our program. So here is the problem......

How can I use the functionality of those DIO pins of the 6071E with the Visual Basicprogramming language being used by the lab.  I am running into difficulties figuring out how to actually send this HIGH output signal and was wondering if anybody has ever used Visual Basic with a 6071E series DAQ card. If anybody needs any additional information about what exactly is going on, please do not hesitiate to ask. 


Thanks for whatever help you can give 



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Hi Ryan,


Do you have the DAQmx driver installed on the test machine? You can check to see if you do by expanding the Software tab in the configuration window in Measurement and Automation explorer. If you have the DAQmx driver installed with support for .NET languages, then DAQmx should have installed example programs for C# and Visual Basic. You should be able to find these examples installed to the following location on your hard drive C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\DotNETX.X\Digital\Generate Values then you will choose an example and within that folder there are examples for VB and C#.  You should also be able to get to these examples by going to Start>>Programs>>National Instruments>>NI-DAQ>>Text-Based Code.


If you do not find these examples you can modify your install of DAQmx and install support for .NET X.X then you should find the examples above. 


These examples should show you how to properly set up a digital output application in Visual Basic. Enjoy!


Chris W

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