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S03 or S04 - output data of Diadem 9.1


maybe a very silly question from an inexperienced user:


- until now we always got a S03 data file after closing the experiment.


- now, a student was working at the system, with the consequence that we obtain  S04 data files always.


We are neither able to reset to S03 nor do we recognize any difference during evaluation.


What is the difference between S03 and S04?


Where can I find information about it?   (The "Help" does not help.)


Thank you for answers.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 18

Hi Josef,


DIAdem does not natively export to a data file format with the extensions *.S03 or *.S04.  Can you describe the product or the program or the application that the student runs which creates these files?


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer
National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 18

Hi Josef,


these S03 or S04 files are written by DIAdem DAC and they contain the binary data in single precision for a specific system clock.

If the DAC scheme is changed the numbering could change.




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 18

Hi Josef,


If you are creating the *.S03 and *.S04 data files with DIAdem-DAC, are you saying that DIAdem suddenly no longer loads the TDM file that is the header file for these binary files?  You would never try to load the binary files from DIAdem-DAC directly, you would instead load the the corresponding TDM header file.  Please confirm that it is DIAdem-DAC that creates these *.S03 and *.S04 binary files and describe for us what happens when you try to load the corresponding TDM file into DIAdem.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 18

Thank you for your helpful response.

Can you tell us under which conditions (in the dac) the .S04 files will be created, and under which conditions the .S03 files will be created.

We tried the demo program "storedat.dac" provided by NI, and it produces .S04 files always.


Thank you for your help in advance!


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 18

Dear Brad:


thank you for your response.

But there is a misunderstanding in that way that we addressed the files produced during data acquisition.

We got another hint by member "DIAdemo" saying that it depends on the .dac scheme. Please see our response

just posted.

Maybe you can help us in addition.


Thank you


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 18