Well after some tinkering, I got the script below to do what I want (sort of, only works for group one). Is there any way to clean up the stat block calculation? I hate that it eats up almost 40 lines just to select which calculations I want. I've tried only leaving the "Yes" selections and deleting the "No" but that only works with the current session, if you reset DIAdem it will apply the defaults for the nos.
Any suggestions?
StatSel(1) = "No"
StatSel(2) = "No"
StatSel(3) = "No"
StatSel(4) = "No"
StatSel(5) = "No"
StatSel(6) = "Yes"
StatSel(7) = "No"
StatSel(8) = "No"
StatSel(9) = "No"
StatSel(10) = "No"
StatSel(11) = "No"
StatSel(12) = "No"
StatSel(13) = "No"
StatSel(14) = "No"
StatSel(15) = "No"
StatSel(16) = "No"
StatSel(17) = "No"
StatSel(18) = "No"
StatSel(19) = "No"
StatSel(20) = "No"
StatSel(21) = "No"
StatSel(22) = "No"
StatSel(23) = "No"
StatClipCopy = 0
StatClipValue = 0
StatFormat = ""
StatResChn = 1
StatResChnNames = 0
StatResChnNameFormat= "NameName"
Call StatBlockCalc("Channel","98001-100001","'[1]/[2]' - '[1]/["&GroupChnCount(1)&"]'")
Dim iLoopOG, iLoopO, R4, i
For iLoopOG = 1 to GroupCount
For iLoopO = 2 to GroupChnCount(iLoopOG)-1
R4 = CHV(iLoopO - 1, "[1]/["&GroupChnCount(iLoopOG)&"]")
Call ChnOffset("["&iLoopOG&"]/["&iLoopO&"]","["&iLoopOG&"]/["&iLoopO&"]",-R4,"free offset")