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VIEW "Layout Parameters" setting "Word wrap" value not persistent or saved in Desktop.DDD file

Status: New

This would only fulfill the specific wish and no layout-specific parameters of VIEW and REPORT is stored in the ddd file.

A general solution for all customers with all individual wishes is the same concept we already have in REPORT: Loading a layout file when "New layout" is selected.

The VIEW "Layout Parameters" setting "Word wrap" value is not persistent and does not seem to be saved to the DIAdem desktop "Desktop.DDD" file.  I think it should either be persistent or added to the saved parameters for the Desktop.DDD file. So if I change it, and close/reopen DIAdem, the setting is always changed back to deselected.  


The workaround is adding "View.Settings.UseMultilineLegend = 1" to some startup script which is fine, but I'd prefer it to be persistent upon changing it.


NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Declined

Hi Julia,


Thank you for your suggestion.

" Word wrap" is part of the VIEW layout parameters. It's the same as "word wrap" in text object in VIEW or line width for 2D axis. These settings are saved with the layout and allow different layout settings for different applications.

Only properties very global parameters like "software rendering" or "display with antialiasing" are stored with the desktop file.




I would be ok with this if the "Default file" in the General VIEW settings meant when I selected a "new layout", I got the "default file" layout that is selected, but that only loads upon program load, which isn't very often!  So maybe that is a new idea 🙂 Either change the VIEW settings "default file" behavior to include when a user selects a "new layout" or add a new setting called "new layout file".  


From a user perspective I think it is confusing to alter a setting, get a "new" VIEW layout and have that setting disappear.  

NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: New

This would only fulfill the specific wish and no layout-specific parameters of VIEW and REPORT is stored in the ddd file.

A general solution for all customers with all individual wishes is the same concept we already have in REPORT: Loading a layout file when "New layout" is selected.