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Unit 0 - Introduction to LabVIEW with myDAQ: Lesson 3


In this video we create a basic fader. When a user flips a switch the volume level fades to 0 and stops the program.

Note that it is highly recommended that you try the exercise problem on your own before watching the solution video. For more information on the key concepts learned in this video look at the links under Additional Resources.

Exercise Problem

Procedure: Create the required VI(s) to achieve the following tasks.


  1. Create a VI which reads the signal from the MyDAQ audio in port and outputs it to the audio out port.
  2. When a user flips the switch the volume level should slowly fade to 0.
  3. Stop the VI when the volume has reached zero.
  4. DIsplay the audio signal being generated on a graph and the volume level on a numeric indicator.

Exerxise Solution Video

Example Snippet


Exercise Problem Extension

Procedure: Create the required VI(s) to achieve the following tasks.


  1. Modify the exercise problem from above so that when the volume reaces 0 it starts increasing to 1.
  2. Similarly when the volumes reaches 1 have it start decreasing to 0.
  3. Stop the program when a user pushes a stop button.

Extension Solution Video

Extension Snippt


Additional Resources

Shift Registers: Unit 2 - Fundamentals: Lesson 3

Case Structures: Unit 3 - Case Structures: Lesson 1

Next Step

Unit 0 - Introduction to LabVIEW with MyDAQ: Lesson 4

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