Hello everyone,
I have problem with synchronization of 4 inputs - 2x angular encoder, 1x frequency, 1x linear encoder, where angular encores are connect to NI9423 and frequency input together with linear encorer is connect to NI9411. I need to measure synchronously all four inputs.
I define for each input one task. All tasks are define in NI MAX and it's running in test mode. Like a first step I am trying to run together angular encoders and frequency input, but program write me error message on task for frequency input:
Error -50103 occurred at DAQmx Start Task.vi:7220006
Possible reason(s):
NI Platform Services: The specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.
Task Name: Speed_Rotor_Jonas_Sensor1_NI9411
It is possible to measure all 4 values together with this HW in same time? If yes could you help me how to change program or/and task settings? My current program is below.
Many thanks for your help