02-23-2011 07:13 PM
Hello all,
That was a great meeting yesterday. Here are some links to the topics that we discussed:
1) New LabVIEW Web UI Builder (Early Access): ni.com/uibilder
2) Object Oriented Programming links based on this discussion:
- Common OO Design Patterns in LabVIEW - Great article, you can download and view several of the most common OO design patterns
- LabVIEW OOP - The Decisions Behind the Design
3) TortoiseSVN with LabVIEW: Access the presentation files and walkthrough here. A KnowledgeBase on how to configure LVCompare.exe to execute when selecting "Diff" in TortoiseSVN can be found here.
4) JKI's TortoiseSVN Tool for LabVIEW: http://jki.net/tortoisesvn-tool
5) DVCS (Distributed Version Control System) is the future of SCC. If you're brave enough to try them out, you can search Google for what seems to be the three most popular DVCS tools: Mercurial, Git, and Bazaar.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday May 17, 2011. The LabVIEW Product Manager for Large Applications, Elijah Kerry, will be joining us to discuss a LabVIEW software engineering topic from ni.com/largeapps so bring your questions!
02-26-2011 11:45 AM
I agree that this was one of the best user group meetings ever. One of the reasons was because there were two major topics presented by NI instead of the usual one. Another reason was because I had no clue about those two NI topics. The best presentation of the night was by far the first one, LabVIEW Web UI Builder. This is an exciting new direction for NI and LabVIEW into the future with cloud computing, which is the hottest new computing paradigm shift happening right now; the so called fourth generation of computing. I will definitely give it a try.
My second favorite topic was on TortoiseSVN SCC. This also broke new ground by being the first open source SCC to my knowledge. I would like to also try this in the future.
03-01-2011 12:25 PM
I agree with Jim about the two major topics. Very informative.
I would like to add another item that peaked my interest that was only a subset of the WEB UI Builder. Iv'e been advocating for years that NI update its Front Panel. So when I saw the WEB UI Builder modern FP controls (designed with vector graphics), I nearly cheered out loud! I hope NI can adopt the new vector method in Labview with the ability for users to create their own "scalable" controls.
Also, for those of you who missed the meeting... The meeting was held in a much larger room this time with tables and chairs. Much more comfortable and easier to eat pizza.