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ECUMC_MC XCP Get Keeps Frezon and Can't Exit successfully EXCEPT KILL LABVIEW APP

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Hello, all,

I met a problem is that Sometimes, the MC XCP Get is frozen and keep running inside. In this case, the vi can't be exited. Test can't be executed.Only way is Kill Labview and restart the application.

My Program is good for function test with DUT test except this error(sometimes happened). It communicated with DUT with the CAN FD protocal and baund rate is 500K. 

Labview version:2019, ECUMC version has upgrade into the NI latest version.

The test flow is after the configuration and reference created, the program will start to check the status of connection state with the VI of MC XCP Get If it is ok, will perform the read/write actions. Keep doing state check and read/Write and then close the seesion at last.




Above two positions sometimes dead, in the first branch of Check Connection for R&W(refer to PIC 1) is mostly happened, second ECU close is seldom happened.

Is there anybody meet the same problem or know how to igore the frozen of the vi. I didn't find vi can terminate the frozen state.

BTW, duirng test, I don't know if sometiems the power supply or CAN bus cables don't conncted with DUT very well may cause the issue or not.


Kindly share your coments or suggestion, thank you so much!

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Accepted by topic author YangZH

It has been solved finally after upgrade the Labview from 32bit to 64bit. Lots of Trials.

I suspect the CAN FD protocal need more addressing memory block and which will cause the memory overflow sometimes. That is why it will become dead after some test in a random time. 

Whatever, It maybe a bug of ECUMC package or it should be concerned by NI, I don't know. 

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