07-16-2015 02:19 PM
Good afternoon,
I have had this happen to me a couple of times now and it is a bit worrysome.
While developing my application in the actor framework, I go to open a VI in the project, and I get an error message that LabVIEW has crashed and needs to shut down and wants to take the crash log stack and send it to NI. I cant remember if I was trying to create a new message for Actor or just opening an Actor VI or what, it is intermittent when it happens.
Anyway, after I realunch LabVIEW and go into the project, I have a broken run arrow on everything. I dig into the project and it seems that everytime this has happened, it has somehow corrupted the Actor.lvclass data and has corrupted or removed the Nested Actors Enqueuer array. I go into the Stop Core and the datatype is no longer there on the unbundle cluster wire.
What is causing this, has anyone else seen this behavior?
07-17-2015 10:20 AM
Yeesh. No. I haven't seen this. Nor has niACS (pretty sure he would've told me about that).
But, you know what... that sounds more like your project is getting crosslinked against an old version of the AF. You reload and somehow you're pointing at some other version of the AF. The selective delete of that one field is highly suspicious.
As a test, try marking your Actor Framework directory as read-only.
07-17-2015 10:28 AM
I meant to reply to this yesterday- I have seen something similar. I can't remember if a crash caused it, but basically the Actor Framework library was corrupted somehow, with broken run arrows all over. (I also can't remember if I traced it to your Stop Core issue though). Anyway, I fixed it by deleting the AF library on the machine and copying across an identical version from a different machine. This fixed it, and I've had no re-occurances since.
07-17-2015 10:37 AM
I had this same thing happen to me numerous times. The only solution was to delete the AF directory and replace it with a fresh copy from another machine. Since it happened, I've kept a zipped copy on my desktop just in case. The issue was always with Stop Core.vi. I never traced it down, I couldn't find anything and I know I never intentionally changed Stop Core.vi. I did notice that when I created an override vi of Stop Core.vi that the problem occured nearly every time. Even if my override had nothing but call parent method. Once I created the override on all my VI's, I haven't seen the problem since. I would like to know to real problem, to avoid it or fix it in the future.
07-17-2015 11:19 AM
I have also seen this before and with dynamic dispatch classes in general. Sometimes i have fixed it by going into the broken class as you mentioned and opening up every member of the class as well as any classes that override methods. Its a pain.
07-17-2015 01:32 PM
I'm amazed that none of you have mentioned this before.
So, for those of you who have seen this, see what happens if you mark your files as read-only. We might get lucky and have something throw some sort of "can't write" error.
Are you *sure* it isn't LV crashing and you choosing to recover files or something like that?