Wireless Sensor Networks

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ni wsn/labview



For my project i have to figure out how to establish the communication between node 1 and node 2 without the use of the gateway as an intermediate (3 or less hops).
Can you please tell me how to wire the components in the figure below ?
Thank you !

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Message 1 of 7
WSN signal routing is abstracted away from the user. Built on the ZigBee protocol, the WSN network provides message hopping and adaptable routing.
For a LabVIEW example using WSN nodes, you can navigate to the following folder: Help >> Find Examples... >> Hardware Input and Output >> NI-WSN. In this Example Finder folder, you can find many examples of WSN applications and how code for these applications is designed. 
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Message 2 of 7

thanks for helping 🙂
the problem i had at first was configuring an end node to be a router node, now the problem is solved, i did it using NI MAX 

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Message 3 of 7

i need to know how to pass from "capture2" to "capture1" i know that it can be done using "shared variable node", but when i use this option i ge t "capture3" not "capture1" !! any help please!

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Message 4 of 7

Could you please clarify your question? Are you trying to pass data from one node to another?

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Message 5 of 7

exactly,I passed from the star network topology to the multi-hop network topology, the point is to send data from the end node  to the router node, and from this router node to the gateway, and to do so i need to use the shared variable in labview code so that the data collected from the thermocouple in the end node can be available all through the network.

I hope it s clear enough 🙂

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Message 6 of 7

exactly,I passed from the star network topology to the multi-hop network topology, the point is to send data from the end node  to the router node, and from this router node to the gateway, and to do so i need to use the shared variable in labview code so that the data collected from the thermocouple in the end node can be available all through the network.

I hope it s clear enough 🙂

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Message 7 of 7