Webcast Wednesday Discussions

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Webcast Wednesday Contest # 7

Hi Ajay2718,

                I hope your code has lot of specificatios but can you share what are all you`ve added up. One basic thing which I saw need to be corrected was since the many data`s are empty the file is saving where some fields should be manditory. You can also make the documentation on each sub vi as an user intrerface.

Nice work all the best..

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 21

Hey Ganesha,

I did think of including a message saying the fields like name, and email address are mandatory. But then, I was running out of time

If I could only get a day more, I would have added all that you have suggested. I thought of all of them, as well as including some other features.

Anyway, thanks for replying. I appreciate your way of helping others.

All the best.


Message 12 of 21

Hi Ajay2718,

                 Thats not a problem as we get our hands on LabVIEW we can make all this in an hour, Every beginners includng me have same trouble in getting good hands with any kind of program that are new to us...

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 21

Hi Ganesha,

Thanks for your reply..

Which .ctls you are missing? Please refer my second post. & run the Application Form.vi.

For DOB, I have used the ActiveX Container & then select the ActiveX control for Date Time Picker.

Please run the VI from Second post....



0 Kudos
Message 14 of 21

Hello Ganesha,

I think your vi is quite optimum as per the requirements of the problem statement. The implementation of the code is good.

The area where you can improve your LabVIEW skills is the UI. Proper alignemnts, Fonts, sizes would make it better.

This is just a suggestion for your future submissions. Other than that the VI is functioning properly just the way it is supposed to be.

Good work!!

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 21

Hello Arjun,

Its good to know that this is your first post on the community!! Welcome!!

The VI that you have made takes care of the requirements and serves the purpose well.

The interface is nice and user-friendly. (Though your DOB option shows only years 2000 to 2030...not so practical )

I would like to give you a tip for such application where a control should have drop down menu and can have a number of possible values.

Rather than going for a enum control you should try using a ring control. There you can programmatically add values and thus the development time of the overall application is highly reduced. Check this for better explaination:


Overall it is a good attempt and fulfills the needs!!

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 21

Hello ajay2718,

If you see this is a very simple problem that needs a simple implementation.

Your vi(s) are good and they have done justice to the requirements. (FILE I/O implementation is good)

But, the structure is very complex. You should not have a large development if there is a small application.

For example the Main vi in your code is actually doing nothing and is just redundant.

In a scenario of a website of a company where the user can get various options like: Products, Contact, About, Careers etc would require a structure like the one you have implemented.

The good thing that I see in your structure is that it is modular. Different functionalities in differen vi's is well implemented. Only the Main vi is slightly over use of modularity.

Try using labVIEW projects for structures like these. They help you organise your functions as well as help you in creating executables.

Try using Event structures if you are waiting for user interactions (For eg: Your main vi has case structure that can be replaced by event structure)

Overall: Nice work, just need to realise the need of modularity and organisation.

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 21

Hello WWC team,

     Thank you very much. I will take care of all the things which you suggested, from my next program implementations.

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 21

Hello Webcast Team,

          Good to here from you, please excuse me for this post which is the upgraded part of the previous post, posted at the very nth moment. I have implemented some more features in this, please let me know your suggestions after review.

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 21

Hi Shweta_Walanj,

                          The VI is looking great and the UI is good, All I would suggest was the characters may not align to center at this case of GUI, the missing fields may come first before the confirmation (U can use Update value while typing option), and as you made the options for experience you may made the default value for the qualification and the position applied can be added and compared.

Overall that is an nice presentation VI for the contest.

All the best for your work...

0 Kudos
Message 20 of 21