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NI Update service doesn't get updates

Originally, I had NI Update Service 1.1, and it would download updates, but not be able to install them. Based on some forum posts, I updated to NI Update Service 1.1.2. Now a 13MB update has been downloading for well over an hour, except I don't see any progress bars or any other indicators showing that the update is being downloaded. The top bar is all grey, and the bottom bar has a 'progress' indicator which just keeps cycling, and this is the state it's been in for an hour.


How can I correct this?

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Message 1 of 10

Hello, I don't know if you've been able to correct this since you originally posted, but have you tried stopping and restarting the download.  Another option may be to download on a different machine and transfer the files to the target machine via flash drive.


Let me know if that helps.


Shawn S. | NIC
Instrument Driver/IVI PSE
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 10

Stopping and restarting the download has no effect. Neither did exiting the NI Update Service and restarting it, and then trying to download.


I don't think downloading the files on another machine solves my issue - the NI Update program doesn't seem to be working. If I can't get these files, I think I would also not be able to get other files in the future. 

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Message 3 of 10

I've placed the file on the outgoing FTP server and it will be available for the next 48 hours. The file as NIUS112.zip.


There can be a delay of about 5 minutes between the time when the file is uploaded to the staging server and when the file will be available on the external server.


You may download the file from the following link:



Best of luck and please let me know if this works!


Shawn S. | NIC
Instrument Driver/IVI PSE
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 10

Shawn, I may have been unclear. I was succesfully able to upgrade to NI Update Service 1.1.2. Now that I have 1.1.2, I am unable to download any updates using it. As far as I know I do not need an upgrades to the upgrade service. I am simply unable to update any other NI Software.

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Message 5 of 10

Ok, I understand now.  Now I've got a few quick questions for you:


Which OS are you using?

What 13MB update are you attempting to download?

What are you network settings like? (is ther a firewall enabled? any other IT restrictions? are you logged in as the admin?)

Are you stuck at 'checking for new version' in the NI Update Service?



Shawn S. | NIC
Instrument Driver/IVI PSE
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

Hi Shawn, thanks for your quick responses. I am using Windows 7 64-bit. I attempted to download the 13MB update "NI System Configuration for LabVIEW RT 1.1.2". I also attempted to download the 10.42 MB Update "NI-DAQmx Patch 1.5p 1". 

When I select an update to install, the "Install" button lights up with the UAC shield next to it. When I click Install, it prompts me to authorize Administrator access, which I am able to do. This appears to relaunch the program and re-check for updates, which is a bit irritating. However, since it now appears to be running as Admin, there is no UAC shield next to the Install button when I re-choose the updates to install. 


Once I have done all this, and click Install the 2nd time, it goes to a screen where it says "Downloading Updates". There is a grey bar below that, with text under it that says "Downloading 1 of 1". Below that there is a second grey bar with a continuously-running 'progress' indicator. This is where I left it for several hours yesterday, with no effect.

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Message 7 of 10

This may be an issue with Windows 7, 64-bit.  I'm going to test this on a virtual machine on my end to see if I can duplicate this issue.  As well, I've escalated this to the LabVIEW experts team and will let you know what I find.


Shawn S. | NIC
Instrument Driver/IVI PSE
National Instruments
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Message 8 of 10

It's possible that the updates were cached on your computer in a bad state.


Would you try finding the updates in your Temp Directory and delete them?  The files will have the same name as the update, followed by a long GUID, with the expression ".tmp". There's an image of the LabVIEW 2011 32-bit update file and its location attached to help guide you.


As well you will want to delete the installer files in the following Installer folder.  This is where Update Service caches the updates it downloads. Let's delete the files here and try downloading from scratch.


Finally, it's possible that your network is trying to cache the downloaded files and scan them for viruses.  This may be interfering with the Update Service.  I would talk with your network admin and ask about any such functions.


Shawn S. | NIC
Instrument Driver/IVI PSE
National Instruments
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Message 9 of 10

I didn't have anything in the Program Data directories that looked like an installer (I don't think it ever started downloading them), but when I deleted all the files in the temp directory, it allowed me to update. Thanks!

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Message 10 of 10