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either in Image Information, image overlay text, or any other indication can be useful especially when dealing with a lot of images or/and processes using the same control

hope to see the option for Overlay ROI upgrade with options for:

  • operation (merge): merge / union
  • inverse? (F): positive / negative overlay
  • drawing mode (frame): frame / fill / highlight

this can help to show which regions is going to be processed or already processed. perhaps can complement Overlay Rectangle?

There is a bug started after VBAI 2020. When user insert measurement on custom overlay text, it does not show up until you go to next line, put a space etc.

Furthermore, when you try to delete a previous measurement that you have inserted in one of your old inspection files, it does not allow you to delete only one measurement. Sometimes you have to delete all the measurements previously inserted.

I like this community platform and I would like to know the name of the platform this community was built on.  This is not a joke or a cheap attempt to advertise for the platform.  If you could reply to me in some way to let me know I would greatly appreciate it.  



The caliper function does not create accurate results, in general, repeatability is very bad.

I think this can be improved by adding a "mean caliper" functionality.

Currently, there is only min-max caliper functionality which is not working when looking for average caliper measurement.


I use geometry step as a workaround, use Find Edge to locate edges, Distance function and finally Calculator step to calculate the average caliper/distance.


Mean Caliper function could be added to Caliper function for more repeatable results with ease of use.

IMAQdx Snap VI is provided for ease of use as a quick way of making occasional shots. However, citing VI reference:

NI-IMAQdx VI Reference Help:

If you call this VI before calling IMAQdx Open, IMAQdx uses cam0 by default.

This "feature" is not useful for making quick shots and it makes this VI quite useless in general, because it forces you to manually open and close the camera (what this VI would do as well for unopened camera) every time you want to make a quick shot.

With just a little bit more effort (4 VI vs 3) you can make a usual Grab acquisition.

It's OK to have cam0 as default value, but when Session In terminal is wired please make this VI open the camera which the user actually passed.

It's a very easy change, but making it on a user side is not the best idea.

Please reconsider the decision to drop support for IP cameras.  I just had the unfortunate experience of discovering that my application developed in Labview 2018 will no longer support the hardware we have in our department since I've upgraded to 2019 SP1.  We have thousands of dollars invested in IP cameras, and with NI's decision, we can no longer use Labview as the data acquisition development software.


Say, I am going to build a system and control it using labview through DAQ.

For example, the system has stepper motors to move a heating chamber back and forth, a temperature monitoring system, a pressure controlling gauge etc.

Now, before diving into building the actual system, Is it possible to make a simulation of the whole device and integrate the necessary LV coding, where I can show on screen how the LV program controls the different parts of the system?



It can be improved in two ways:


1) It should work in radial direction with gap parameter in order to better apply different scenarios. Similar to Find Circular Edge function, but the aim is search for defects rather than a diameter. So, it could be implemented in the Annulus Tool of Find Edge function.

2) Many annulus should be added like a combination of image 1 and 2, with two gap parameters.


Current workaround is using a polygon tool, which is very time consuming and not fully functional.



The existing LineProfile output is rather unintuitive. It gives you a dx but the dx seems to always be 1. This is made apparent by taking line profiles in a radial pattern. The profiles between 0° and 90° return smaller arrays even though the lines are the same length. My suggestion is to allow the user to select the existing behavior but make dx accurate or to interpolate and use a step size of 1 pixel.

IMAQ Line Profile Improvement2.png


Hi !

I have to make a project on Labview involving reading 2D bar codes (Datamatrix) with a bar code reader Matrix 210N. A software is given with this bar code reader called dl.code, to test and configurate it. I want to know if it's possible de create a communication between Labview and this dl.code software. I want to have all the informations that i need from this software on Labview so that i can work on my Datamatrix (processing datamatrix and saving informations in an Excel file)

Thank you for your help 🙂 🙂

In some applications I've had better OCR result using Tesseract ( than NI's OCR.

One thing that is nice with Tesseract is that in requires no training like NI's OCR does.


So it would be nice to have both option integrated in VDM and VBAI.

One of my problem for creating image processing project is to make a special overlay that should be rotate expand shrink or change in size, based on processed data
in many times creating code for such overlay  waste  so many time for calculation and test because of so many  geometry concept that we should regard 
and I have to allocate most of my time to solve this problem instead of using this time to solve processing problems that are more important than overlay
I think if we have a   assistant software in Labview like file ,daq,imaqdx and ... assistant in labview that we could use it for design special overlay and also define variant that should be change based on processing data
we will be save so many time to  allocate solve image processing issue instead of making an overlay 
I think it is possible to make such assistant and also I could help to NI to production of this  assistant software 

This is about a debugging function in VBAI I miss. If I have a state diagram of some complexity, I might want to start some states combined with each other.


What I currently already can do:

  • Run the whole Inspection Once / in Loop / until Failure

Run Inspection

  • Run a single State Once / in Loop

Run State


What I would wish to do:

Think of the following diagram: I have two cameras, triggered and run with independent branches of the state machine, as in this picture:

State Diagram 2 Branches

I want to run only one of the branches, i.e. for debugging. Now I would like to do something like this:


Run States

Current workaround:

I can run „Set Camera Trigger 1“ once, then „Get and Process Image 1“ once, that would have the same effect (as „Run States Once“)

i'm looking forward to average images (number is 2 to the power of n). I've got a solution but it is slow, so having labview compute the shift on the image itself would be nice, since all the other basic operations are there already. my slow solution attached (U32 RGB and I16 GrayScale), the image logical shift does not necessarily need to preserve the "missing" bits


Greetings Vision Idea Exchange Community,


We have a critical need to apply a 4096 element U32 Lookup Table to our IMAQ images and were really hoping that it wouldn't be to hard to modify the existing shipped VI from the VDM package (IMAQ UserLookup 2 VI to be able to handle LUT's of greater bit depth.


This is of course a proprietary code from NI so we can't work directly from it.  Has anyone one the community been able to write an  (optimized) look up table VI/DLL which can take as input a 16 bit image and lookup to a 32-bit image depth?


Our application is correcting machine vision camera output frames  for bit error and non-linearity corrections for which we need at least 22 bits of LUT so we decided to simply go to four byte pixel depths.


Regards, Scott


High Altitude Observatory Boulder, CO


in the case of own software development with VDM it is usefull to write and read in the border. Now I copy my images in a larger image to create my own border. That costs performance. A additional boolean variable for the set/get pixel value vi which references the origin to the image (without border) origin left top (implemented) or the border+image origin left top outside of the image (not implemented).