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I want to view the camera image collected through the capture board through LabView.
The camera I'm using is a Fluke IR camera, and it doesn't support connection the same way as a regular camera. That's why I'm trying to do the display through the capture board.
When searching for previous experiences in the community, there were cases where VMS (Video Measurement Suite or Video master) solved this problem, but I couldn't find VMS.
This seems to be an unsupported feature already, is there any other way?

either in Image Information, image overlay text, or any other indication can be useful especially when dealing with a lot of images or/and processes using the same control

this can help in progressive tracking between image processes during troubleshooting

hope to see the option for Overlay ROI upgrade with options for:

  • operation (merge): merge / union
  • inverse? (F): positive / negative overlay
  • drawing mode (frame): frame / fill / highlight

this can help to show which regions is going to be processed or already processed. perhaps can complement Overlay Rectangle?

hope to see the option for overlay image as an alternative to IMAQ Overlay Bitmap, with terminals for:

  • origin
  • origin type (center): upper left / center
  • offset
  • rotation
  • scale


There is a bug started after VBAI 2020. When user insert measurement on custom overlay text, it does not show up until you go to next line, put a space etc.

Furthermore, when you try to delete a previous measurement that you have inserted in one of your old inspection files, it does not allow you to delete only one measurement. Sometimes you have to delete all the measurements previously inserted.

I'm interested in experimenting with the Vision Development Module as a means of learning more about computer vision (not for school or anything) and I think it would be a great idea to make it available free of charge under the Community Edition license. Image acquisition hardware is widely available at very affordable prices, and computer vision has many potential hobbyist applications.


I feel there are some IMAQ Vision overlay VIs that would be useful.


1) Get Overlay Groups - Returns an array of Group Names and number of items in the group.


Useful for example - check if "Legend" overlay exists so don't write it again.


I don't see how to tell if overlays are written on top of each other... hence number of items in group (text, line etc) would be useful to look for overlay memory leaks.


Provides a way to tell if any overlays on the image as it returns an empty array if no overlays.


2) Clear Overlay Except

Currently can clear specified overlays, or all overlays, but no way to clear everything except "Legend" overlay unless you create code to keep track of written overlay groups so you know what to clear.

I like this community platform and I would like to know the name of the platform this community was built on.  This is not a joke or a cheap attempt to advertise for the platform.  If you could reply to me in some way to let me know I would greatly appreciate it.  



The caliper function does not create accurate results, in general, repeatability is very bad.

I think this can be improved by adding a "mean caliper" functionality.

Currently, there is only min-max caliper functionality which is not working when looking for average caliper measurement.


I use geometry step as a workaround, use Find Edge to locate edges, Distance function and finally Calculator step to calculate the average caliper/distance.


Mean Caliper function could be added to Caliper function for more repeatable results with ease of use.

Similar to Draw Line/Draw Multiple Lines function available for Picture, it would be good to have line styles(as mentioned in the attached image) for IMAQ Overlay Line, IMAQ Overlay Multiple Lines 2.

This will be useful to deploy projects to end-users more easily. Currently, NI only provides the USB Dongle Solution for LabVIEW, TestStand, and LabWindows™/CVI™. More software into this USB Dongle will provide more flexibility in the licensing options to deploy to end-users.

This is probably not a simple thing for NI to implement but I always thought it would make sense to make the IMAQ image a native data type. When I first started using LabVIEW, it took me a while to get used to the image data type and understand that it is just a pointer to a named image in memory and the pointer is passed between image operators. I am used to it now but it still seems clunky to me. Why can't an image constant or control implicitly create an image and they can be implicitly destroyed at the end of a program. Branching a wire would create two copies of an image that could be operated on independently. At the moment my imaging code always looks quite messy because I often need to create temporary image buffers for intermediate operations.


I think this would make the imaging tools a more wholistic addition to labVIEW and make it feel less like something that was adapted from another language. Sure there would be some impact on performance, but isn't that why we use LabVIEW? Simpler programming at a higher level. 

Calling a python script from VBAI requires many steps.  Please make it simpler and more intuitive to run a Python script directly from VBAI.  Even if limiting the return types to the data types currently available in VBAI would be fine.  This would allow VBAI to easily utilize OpenCV more directly and more intuitively.


Today, the only way to call a Python script is to build the call through LabVIEW, then build the LV VI for distribution to VBAI, then use a call LV step in VBAI.  For simple Python scripts (e.g. manipulating text strings, move, rename or delete files, getting values from dictionaries) this is a lot of unnecessary steps that prevent people from using Vision Builder.  Even seasoned LabVIEW users often have difficulting building a LV step such that it can be accessed by VBAI.


Critical for Debugging: During run, the VBAI step should also return the name and path of the environment being used.



Bonus: A simple Python editor launched from VBAI would be ideal (such as the free version of Visual Studio Code).




When I have a camera with a parameter out of range, I cannot open the connection to this camera with NI-IMAQdx, the only way to connect with the camera is to use another Pleora Software like GevPlayer to communicate with the camera. This SW can open the connection and in the parameters outside the range it puts a sign (!) in front of the parameter.
my idea is to allow to open the connection with the camera the result is not an error but a waring indicated the first parameter that is out of range, with this we can correct the parameter and continue capturing image.
The function (IMAQdx Configure should return error in case a parameter is out of range, but function (IMAQdx Open it should not return an error but a waring as said before.
The same with CameraValidator only returns an error code which means (unable get attribute value) 

Currently IMAQ Is Vision Info Present / Remove Vision Info 2 VIs only accept all or single specific type of Vision Info.

It would be useful to check for and remove multiple types of Vision Info in an image at once (e.g. all grayscale template info) and these VIs actually already support this, but for some reason the functionality is not exposed:



Please consider this improvement while fixing a related bug.

IMAQdx Snap VI is provided for ease of use as a quick way of making occasional shots. However, citing VI reference:

NI-IMAQdx VI Reference Help:

If you call this VI before calling IMAQdx Open, IMAQdx uses cam0 by default.

This "feature" is not useful for making quick shots and it makes this VI quite useless in general, because it forces you to manually open and close the camera (what this VI would do as well for unopened camera) every time you want to make a quick shot.

With just a little bit more effort (4 VI vs 3) you can make a usual Grab acquisition.

It's OK to have cam0 as default value, but when Session In terminal is wired please make this VI open the camera which the user actually passed.

It's a very easy change, but making it on a user side is not the best idea.

Lines at quadrant angles are smooth. But lines with different angles are jagged. It would be better if the rough edges are smoothed.

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Please reconsider the decision to drop support for IP cameras.  I just had the unfortunate experience of discovering that my application developed in Labview 2018 will no longer support the hardware we have in our department since I've upgraded to 2019 SP1.  We have thousands of dollars invested in IP cameras, and with NI's decision, we can no longer use Labview as the data acquisition development software.

Hi, I hope NI can put an indicator for the "IMAQ setup match pattern" VI to control the iteration times or total runtime. In my project, I can only afford a certain length of time for searching for the pattern. After that time period, I need to stop the  "IMAQ setup match pattern" VI and return "null".


Please add this function to the VI in the next version. Thank you very much!