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The updates I'd like to see boil down to the following:

1. Parity between the C and .NET APIs.  There are methods available in the C API that did not make it to the .NET offering most importantly the ability to set VBAI parameters at runtime.

2. 64bit DLLs.


I've been using VBAI through the .NET API in production for about a year now, the above requests would make future expansion much easier.


Thanks for the consideration.

Dear Team.


It would be great to have multi - level password in VBAI.


This Direct option would be very helpful to limit accessible features in inspection interface for operators, line in-charge, supervisor and for managers.


Thanks and Regards,


It would be a useful feature addition to Vision software to add functionality to report coordinates of an object in a new coordinate system. A main use case would be if you needed your region of interest to be based off of one coordinate system, but once your object was located, you wanted to report the location based on a different coordinate system. Building in this functionality would eliminate the need to configure calculator steps to translate/rotate the coordinates.

I'd like to be able to import a DXF file and display it as an overlay on an image.



Option to exclude “default” columns for data logging step


The current data logging step includes many colums of default data which very often gets deleted when sharing data with others.   It's great having the data by default but is undesired in many roll out installations.




Apply color lookup table (convert grayscale to a false color image).  Color pallets are very useful – would be helpful for saving images for external displays (e.g. web browsers or windows explorer)


When saving images with VBAI using the save image option under file in the configuration interface, it would be nice to be able to create a new folder.


 When the OPC-UA client make a connection to the server, the client brows all items what he find at the server. In my case, I have more than 3000 Items. Then the software needs about 20 min to show the items. (I need the number of items, then the SPS is just from more systems)

When I start the aplikation, the used memory of the VB goes up to 1,990 MB and the soft ware have no reaction.

When I modify the OPC-UA server to 30 Items is no problem with the used memory.

Normaly when a client brows the Items, they don't look at all, they look only on the item what they need.

Is it posisble to modify the OPC-UA client from the VB that they look only to the needs items?


The Problem is in WIN7 32/64bit, Win10 32/64bit.

I need only the Vision Builder to evaluation of images of a camera.

I don't need Labview.



Best regards

Amend Harald



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Please include more default VBAI System Variables.

Common and useful system variables would include:

1) Disk Space Remaining on Target default volume (or by drive letter would be even better) in MB

     Target_C_Free = 2203

     Target_U_Free = 435000

... VBAI crashes systems too often when people fill up the hard drive.  Currently the only way to prevent this is with call LabVIEW steps even though the info is already in VBAI under the Target Info menu, just not in the system variables.

2)  Target Temperatures (very useful for NI targets but could be skipped for PC targets)

3)  CPU Utilization %

4)  Pretty much anything you already have in System Info under NIMax would be very useful ... Port IP Addresses, MAC Addresses, Firmware Versions, OS , serial #,  network devices, etc. 



No need to kill the CPU updating these every 10msec. 


5)  And finally an "on event" Boolean flag to snapshot the event log into a string array would be fantastic for troubleshooting.  Currently I can only see the event log when in Config mode which isn't nearly as useful.




I think just like most of other software, VBAI should take the last selection as the default value for this type. This what I mostly require in Custom Overlay steps.


Mostly we are using the same text type-color etc. for different elements but because VBAI changes the color randomly, and making the size 13 every time, we have to change it for all elements. Since generally I use one color for most of the text list on the screen, it would be really helpful if VBAI could remember my last choice as default for the next selection.

This would help reduce complexity and overhead of VBAI state diagrams.  Often states are created empty with the only purpose is to use transitions to skip or bypass other states.  When a state is disabled, VBAI would skip the steps in the state and immediately evaluate the transitions.   Any transitions which rely on results from a disabled state would be "results unavailable".



I did a test :

- develop an inspection in VBAI 2014

- benchmark it in VBAI : ~300ms

- export to LabVIEW code

- benchmark in LabVIEW 2014 32bit : ~90ms

- benchmark in a full 64bit environnement (LV, VAS, VDM) : ~55ms


That's a huge performance gap!

Using the image operators ADD or MAX or AVERAGE, even if both the images in the VI are calibrated, the output image is no longer calibrated.


To get around this, I have to separately copy the calibration to the output image. This is not possible from Vision Assistant (within VBAI) so I have to instead use a Run Labview VI step to re-calibrate the image. The same is also true for these VIs in Labview VDM, so I am posting this on both forums.

Need the ability to operate using local inspection variables quickly without the slow process of checking the value over the network each time; but the varaibles would be updated as needed from / to the remote location.    Dan R



In the VBAI Dev environment, we currently have the ability to enable/disable overlays using the "setup overlay" button.  This request is to provide access to access the overlay enables programmatically.  The use case is for when operators are required to show/hide specific overlays.  When many overlays are involved, the overhead for programming these using the state diagrams becomes overwhelming.   Below is an example for only 6 overlays.  You can see how 30+ overlay groups would be a nightmare.  There is also a overhead performance hit.







One power of the custom VI in Vision Builder is to be able to distribute code but sometimes the custom VI is just to execute special LabVIEW code for capability that isn't native in Vision Builder.  In the later case, it would be very helpful to enable the .VBAI inspection to include the custom VI ( .vi or .llb ) so that the code travels automatically when saving, copying, and sharing the .VBAI file.  There is already a check box to set the path to be "relative" but it would be ideal to have an option to In Line the custom VI directly into the .VBAI inspection so there is no chance to lose / break the code when sharing the .VBAI file.


Instead of a only check box for "relative path" include a second check box which says "embed into .VBAI inspection".  This would not be available in Start Up, Select Produt, or Clean Up parts of the state diagrams, only available in the Inspection State since that is the only state that loads from the .VBAI file.  Checking this box would copy the code into the .VBAI container and the sytem would know that's where to extract the code from.


The "embed" check box would be grayed out unless you first check the "use relative path".


Caution would be needed if copying a Custom VI step from the Inspection state diagram to the startup, select, or clean up states.


Optionally, an "open" option would also be great when you open a Custom VI step that someone else saved.  This way when editing the .VBAI inspection, someone could open the .vi or .llb which was embedded into the .VBAI file.


Perhaps speed would be a concern if trying to run directly out of the .VBAI container?







Add the ability to ‘add a variable’ when working inside the Vision Assistant step window.

There is a bug started after VBAI 2020. When user insert measurement on custom overlay text, it does not show up until you go to next line, put a space etc.

Furthermore, when you try to delete a previous measurement that you have inserted in one of your old inspection files, it does not allow you to delete only one measurement. Sometimes you have to delete all the measurements previously inserted.



The caliper function does not create accurate results, in general, repeatability is very bad.

I think this can be improved by adding a "mean caliper" functionality.

Currently, there is only min-max caliper functionality which is not working when looking for average caliper measurement.


I use geometry step as a workaround, use Find Edge to locate edges, Distance function and finally Calculator step to calculate the average caliper/distance.


Mean Caliper function could be added to Caliper function for more repeatable results with ease of use.

It can be improved in two ways:


1) It should work in radial direction with gap parameter in order to better apply different scenarios. Similar to Find Circular Edge function, but the aim is search for defects rather than a diameter. So, it could be implemented in the Annulus Tool of Find Edge function.

2) Many annulus should be added like a combination of image 1 and 2, with two gap parameters.


Current workaround is using a polygon tool, which is very time consuming and not fully functional.

