Currently the pixel counter returns the % of the histogram which is above/below a gray value but this tool would do the reverse: return the gray value of an ROI which is at the x% of a histogram. In addition to % head/tail, it would be very helpful to have an optional check box (disabled for speed when you don’t need it) to return other common distribution stats such as # of modes, normality test, skew, etc.
Option to exclude “default” columns for data logging step
The current data logging step includes many colums of default data which very often gets deleted when sharing data with others. It's great having the data by default but is undesired in many roll out installations.
Apply color lookup table (convert grayscale to a false color image). Color pallets are very useful – would be helpful for saving images for external displays (e.g. web browsers or windows explorer)
Advanced Edge, Multi-edge mode: When expecting N edges, SNR noise needs to be calculated based on the residual RMS signal level to avoid inappropriately low SNR reporting.
Currently, the edge #1 SNR is based on strength of edge #2 which will result in a very low SNR for edge #1 if #2 has a similar strength.
Create an array to output the intensity profile for a line, path, or area (see Filter above).
This is currently available only as a display and manual export in the Vision Assistant mode but it cannot be used in any VBAI automated step. The array is not available for export in an automated method.
VBAI step for programmatic control for grayscale operator (e.g. Subtract a gray level based on the results of a previous step histogram). – OR – Update the Vision Assistant tools to use inspection variables for all their set points.
Basic functionality missing from VBAI; available on the lowest cost smart cameras from most major competitors.
16 bit support for thresholds, detect objects, etc.
Advanced edge tool will not work on low contrast 16 bit images unless the Straight Edge Settings; Minimum Score is set to 0 (make 0 default then?) Also the Advanced edge tool max score is 1024 so it cannot find edges with stronger transitions which often occur in high contrast 16 bit images.
When saving images with VBAI using the save image option under file in the configuration interface, it would be nice to be able to create a new folder.