Hi all,
I'm a beginner with VS, stimuls profile and real time seq.
I nedd to introduce in my test a ramp, I found a ramp under Real-Time Sequence Library->Waveforms folder.
The function required :
- RampOut—The variable to ramp from the InitialValue to the FinalValue.
- InitialValue—The starting value from which to start ramping.
- FinalValue—The ending value.
- Duration—The duration in seconds over which to ramp RampOut.
My RampOut parameters (Temp2) is a I32 and the ramp accept only double, so the editor generate an error :
"The expression Temp2 in of type int32 but is passed a reference into a reference parameter of type Double in Ramp(Tem2,0,100,20). Reference parameters must match exactly"
How can 'cast' Temp2 in ramp function?