05-05-2020 08:10 AM
Thank you for making this available. One reason I appreciate DIAdem is that the VBS script acts as an "audit" of the formulary created. Printing or saving a copy of the .nivsseq [VeriStand sequence] file would be a great feature to save to my test reports, rather than screen shots.
My apologies, but I don't believe I understand how to use the tool properly. I open RTStoDisplayString.vi which then attempts to find the .NET assembly [.dll, .exe]. Can you please clarify how to point to the .nivsseq that I wish to print/save?
05-05-2020 08:39 AM
Hi there,
You need to have the LabVIEW API for VeriStand installed on your machine as this utilizes the .NET API to extract the details of the RTS.
Once you have it installed you simply navigatge to the file and run the VI.
I'm not sure why you get a message looking for the EngineDemoBasics. Do you have VeriStand installed on your machine?
Also, I worked out some bugs and will post a new version at the bottom of the thread.
05-05-2020 08:44 AM
Try this one out. I think I've got it working properly now after revisiting the ordering of things.
05-05-2020 08:46 PM
I think it is perfect now, I didn't check line by line but I randomly picked a few lines and they all matched up.
This will really help me out, thanks so much for sharing!
Best Regards,
05-06-2020 08:33 AM
Can you help me locate the download for LabVIEW .NET API for VeriStand [2017] or how to confirm if it is installed?
I looked in LabVIEW add-ons, downloads, and .NET support [https://www.ni.com/en-us/support/documentation/supplemental/13/national-instruments--net-support.htm...].
I do have both LabVIEW and VeriStand installed on my PC.
Thanks again!
05-06-2020 08:59 AM
It should install with VeriStand. Check the attached pictures. Can you see this on your machine?
The original library I uploaded was for LV 2019. Looks like you have LV 2017 installed. The last one I uploaded in the thread was for LV 2017. Is that the one you tried?
05-06-2020 09:06 AM
Your welcome. I'm glad I went back and fixed this up to a useable state. I think it can come in handy not only for reporting but as a search tool to find where channels, references etc. are included in different RTS. It can be a bit painful to track down items in an RTS affected by removing/modifying items in a System Definition.
You gave me the little push I needed. Thanks!
05-06-2020 09:32 AM
I confirm that I have the same palette in LabVIEW [2017] and VeriStand .NET API Help installed.
Would it be possible for you to use Microsoft [Problem] Steps Recorder to record an example of how you load and use the tool?
Thank you.
05-06-2020 10:43 AM
You have to open the library, open the VI of the same name, select a real time sequence file and then run it.
05-06-2020 01:16 PM
That was very helpful. I posted a screenshot of the Engine Demo text output below: text output on left, Stimulus Profile Editor on right.
I had to point LabVIEW to the correct NationalInstruments.VeriStand.RealTimeSequenceDefinitionApi.dll on my PC and then it went right through.
Thank you again.