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Is there any restriction in designing labview model for veristand


I developed the labview model with cluster, cluster attribute(i am accessing the cluster label text , value in the model), loops, shift register. The model works fine in a standalone labview environment. Then i converted to .lvmodel and attached to veristand system definition file. When i try to run the model from veristand real time enviornment the model behaves differently.


Here is the details:

I have used cluster label.text attribute which connected to a case structure. I want to run a different case for each cluster (I have 3 cluster inports), so i am using label to identify which cluster i am running currently. For example, the three clusters label names are "Label1", "Label2" and "Label3". For "Label1" i want to do addition, "Label2"  i want to do subtraction and for "Label3" i want to do multiplication. My case structure contain four cases "Default", "Label1", "Label2" and "Label3". When i execute the model(.lvmodel) from veristand, it always takes the default case. Means that it is not recognizing the cluster label.text attribute. How do i resolve this? and what is the problem here?




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6
When compiled the model doesn't have a front panel, so properties like that will not work and probably generate an error.
Stephen B
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

i did not get any error.!!!

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Hi Elamk,


Would you be able to post your model for us to look at? I'm also curious how you are checking if errors do/don't appear? Following the advice of Stephen, we recommend that you don't use properties from the front panel in your model since it is stripped out when compiled into a model - otherwise, we would expect weird behavior.


Let me know your thoughts.



Aldo A
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6
It doesn't through an error. When the front panel is not shown, the property returns default value. The same on Real Time.


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Hi Elamk,


I had a chance to set up a simple .lvmodel in LV 2013 SP1 which takes the label from the Cluster and we make a decision based on the text using a Case Structure. I compiled the model and imported it to NIVS 2013 SP1. I deployed my System Definition File and monitored the "Selected Case" indicator which showed that it was able to read the Label.Text attribute correctly.




Can you expand more on how you are setting up your .lvmodel inports and outports? In addition, how are you controlling the label values as inports? Can you post a simplified model that I can use to test?


Let me know your thoughts on the above set up.


I look forward to your reply.




Aldo A
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6