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How do I set an x-net can interface to listen-only in Veristand?

How can I set an X-NET CAN interface to listen-only mode, i.e. to not send any acknowledgements, in Veristand 2012?


I can't find "Listen Only" as an option under Targets->..->Hardware->NI-XNET->CAN->CAN1->CAN Port Settings.




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Hi Ken,


Is your intent to just be able to monitor CAN traffic and log the data?  If so, we have the XNet Bus Monitor Workspace Tool that you can use to perform these functions.  Let me know about your intended application and I will see what we can find to help!

| Zach J. | Systems Engineer, HIL and Test Cells | National Instruments |
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5
Zach the xnet bus monitor tool in the workspace connects to a port defined in the system definition file. So he needs a setting in the system definition to set the port to listen only.

note that "listen only" is a setting on a can card that tells it not to ack any CAN frames. So its a protocol level feature.
Stephen B
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Hi Zach,


This is for a Hardware-In-the-loop Simulation application. I am trying to prevent the CAN interface from sending out ACK messages on the bus, in order to be able to detect bus problems on my embedded system under test, i.e. non-intrusive testing. I need the Veristand system to only monitor, i.e. receive all messages but never send anything on the bus.


As Steven B pointed out, I need somehow to set the CAN interface to listen-only thorough the system definition, or if this is not possible, through a model/custom device or similar. So far all attempts have been without luck.




0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Hi Ken,


I did some checking with some of my colleagues to make sure, but it sounds like you will have to create a custom device that does not send ACK messages on the bus.  The X-Net Bus Monitor does in fact send out ACK messages when it is monitoring the bus, so the only way to stop this from happening is to create your own method.  The documentation below outlines the process for creating a custom device, but we do not have guidelines for performing the specific task you are trying to accomplish.  Additionally, you could check around on our forums to see if anyone has implemented something similar.  


Building Custom Devices for NI VeriStand

NI VeriStand Custom Device Developer’s Guide



| Zach J. | Systems Engineer, HIL and Test Cells | National Instruments |
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 5