07-07-2014 01:06 PM
Is there a tool that exports stim profiles and rt sequences for the purpose of conducting code reviews. The goal is for the reviewer to check the sequence without needing to install the stimulus profile editor.
07-08-2014 09:18 AM
What we're looking for is something like the TestStand Sequence File Viewer, but for VeriStand:
Document ID: 555DK8UB
07-08-2014 01:24 PM
Hi Holt,
After collaborating with my internal resources, currently there isn't a stand-alone tool to view NI VeriStand Stimulus Profiles or RT Sequences as found in TestStand. We tried to use the Stimulus Profile Editor.exe with the associated config file as a stand-alone application but we were not successful due to the dependencies of the exe to VeriStand.exe
As an alternative, you can use Notepad++ to view .nivsseq and .nivsstimprof files since they are saved in XML format:
Would this be a viable option for your code review requirements? Let me know your thoughts.