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COM Port Low Level Access

I'm attempting to debug a COM port issue in a custom device.


To debug it, I want to access the COM port and manually send some comands.


When I open MAX, I tunnel into the device and add COM1 to Serial (I did this ahead of time to use the custom device)


I have two issues:

1. How do I know which COM port is connected to the Serial Port on the fron of my PXI8110?

2. The Device Status in MAX is "MAX could not open a VISA session to this static Device. The Device was not returned from VISA when finding resources, but MAX was able to use VISA to parse the resource name."


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You should not need to add COM1 under serial devices. If you have NI-VISA and NI-Serial installed on the RT Target COM1 should automatically populate under the Serial Devices (screenshot shows what this should look like). 



COM1 should be the port on the front of your controller. I think the second issue you are running into is a result of this not populating automatically. Can you confirm you have NI-VISA and NI-Serial installed? After you install NI-VISA you may need to add access permissions in order to use test panels (these can be found by selected NI-VISA under the software installed on the controller and going to the VISA Options Tab).


Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
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Message 2 of 3

Thank you Kevin!

I opened a support ticket after floundering around for a while.


It turns out it was a software issue.

I had NI VISA installed on the RT controller but not Serial for RT.

So when I added the COM port, it appeared with an exclamation mark.

Once I installed Serial for RT, it worked fine and the exclamation mark went away.

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