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求助:如何将amesim模型导入VeriStand中?Help!How to import amesim model into VeriStand?


尝试将AMESim 13的模型生成.dll导入Veristand中。

AMESim中添加Veristand interface block成功,编译生成FileName_.dll文件后在Veristand中Add Simulation Model时提示Error-307703,Possible reason:The specified compiled model is not compatible with NI Verisand。另外,将AMESim模型和Simulink模型导入Veristand有什么具体步骤?期待解答。非常感谢!


I will repeat it in English.

I am trying to import an AMESim model into VeriStand.Anyone knows how i can do this?Is there any standard steps?

I have make Veristand interface block  into my AMESim model ,compiled successfully and made a DLL file.But when I ''Add Simulation Model'' in Veristand an error occured.

Error-307703,Possible reason:The specified compiled model is not compatible with NI Verisand.

Thanks very much in advance.

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