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Memory limits and recommendations for VXIpc-850 and VXIpc-872B


I need to maximize performance of a VXIpc-850 and VXIpc-872B, both running Windows XP (barely, in the case of the '850).  I would like to know if anyone has improved on the memory limits listed on the NI site (128 MB for the '850 and 512 MB for the '872B).  Any brand or part number recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

On a related matter (i.e., getting XP to perform), is there any way around the '850 drive size limit (seems to be around 8G, about right for that era)?  If all else fails I might make up a new IDE cable and stack on a second drive.

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Message 1 of 3

Hi Steve,


Take a look at this knowledgebase as far as upgrading your RAM:




The values listed there are what we were able to test with and the part numbers listed are the RAM we certify to be compatible. You are welcome to try other RAM but we can’t guarantee that it will work and will not damage your system.


Also, the manual for the VXIpc-850 has information about expanding the hard drive capacity.


Ultimately, if you would like to run newer operating systems and take advantage of the improved performance or newer components you should consider purchasing a newer VXI controller.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

Hi Matt.  Thanks for the response.


I still hope someone out there has information beyond the official listed limitations.  So far, I have found that a 256MB SODIMM can be used in the second socket of the '872B (plus, there are no size limitations for that socket, so standard 1.25" SODIMMs fit).  I have ordered some larger memories to try out.  I have also found that the '850 seems happy with EDO as well as the specified FPM memory, and 32 bit (no-parity) works as well as 36 bit (with parity).


It seems to me that a little experimentation to get these controllers running our latest version software is worth the effort, considering the price tag of newer units.  And if I destroy anything in the process, I'm no worse off if I have to buy new units anyway.


Re the drive limitations, I looked through the '850 manual, and only found the usual info about physically replacing a drive, but nothing on BIOS Cylinder/Sector/Head limitations or workarounds.  If there is something I missed, please let me know the link or page number.


Thanks again




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Message 3 of 3