One of the advantages of VXI is the multiple controller option.
Without know more about your application, here's a couple possibilities that may help:
1. If continuous monitoring is primary AND there's a PCI DAQ card that meets your needs, then consider using a VXI-USB controller in Slot 0 for communication to a host and a VXI-872B with an internal PCI slot for monitoring the voltages.
2. If multiple host monitoring is primary AND there's a PCI DAQ card that meets your needs, then consider using a VXI-872B in slot 0. The multiple hosts can use ethernet and client/server software to talk with the 872B.
3. If you need VXI-based DAQ boards, then you could possibly use a VXI-USB controller in slot 0 and use the 872B to monitor the VXI DAQ board. The PC connected to the USB controller could potentially broadcast to others via ethernet.
Hope this helps,