The following lists contain suggestions for words to add to the standard and technical dictionaries of the VI Analyzer Spell Check test in a future release of the toolkit. This list can be edited by any member of the VI Analyzer Enthusiasts group. Please see the Dictionary Details document for additional background information on the different dictionaries used by the VI Analyzer Spell Check test.
Proposed New Words
Standard - (add new proposed words here)
Technical - (add new proposed words here)
dbfs, fifos, flexrio, lvlibp, mux, rfmx
Words Added in VI Analyzer 2014
Standard - amped, attenuator (attenuators, attenuating), barcode (barcodes), bitwise, checksum, convolve (convolved, convolves), crosstalk, decrypt, digitizer (digitized, digitizing, digitization, digitizers), doubler (doublers), intermodulation, metastable, metrology (metrological, metrologically, metrologist, metrologists, metrologies), microcontroller(s), nonlinearity (nonlinearities), nulls, pong, preamp (preamps), probabilistic (probabilistically, probabilism), reflectivity, repeatability, roundoff, screenshot, subassembly (subassemblies), subtype, swizzle, symbology (symbologies), taskbar, unhandled
Technical - acq, acqs, acvolts, agilent, amp, ampl, anritsu, applicationmgr, applicationmanager, areaheight, areawidth, arg, aspropertyobject, atten, attn, autotune, autotuning, aux, avg, avgs, bitrate, bumpless, cal, casesensitive, caseinsensitive, chan, channelindex, channelname, channelnumber, chien, classdriver, classname, clientsequence, clk, closehandle, closetransaction, cmd, cohen, columnheader, (columnheaders), comparemethod, comparemode, comparisonmethod, comparisonmode, computername, cp, cpk, currentlimit, custombytecount, customtimeout, dac (dacs), dataset (datasets), datetime, db, dbc, dcvolts, deadtime, deallocation, debounce (debounced), debugger, decoupler, deltatime, deskew, div, divs, downconverter, dmm, dut, dutycycle, edgetime, endtime, equalto, errorlog, errormessage, errorquery, eyecrossing, fallingedge, falltime, feedforward, fileglobal (fileglobals), filepath, fract, frontpanel, fuzzify, fuzzification, getnumelements, getpropertyobject, getvalboolean, getvalnumber, getvalstring, ghz, globals, goto, greaterthan, highlevel, holdoff, hrones, idn, idquery, ignoreall, ignorecase, iinstrsession, iinstrsessionmgr, immediates, inputimpedance, inst, instrsession, instrumenthandle, intel, iviXXXXX (where XXXX is each IVI class, such as IviSwtch, IviRFSigGen, IviFGen, etc -- also including the ni versions like niSwitch), XXXXX (where XXXX is each IVI class, such as Swtch, RFSigGen, FGen, etc. also including ni version like niSwitch), keithley, keyfocus, khz, lessthan, linefeed(s), locals, logfile, logicalname, loginname, lookupstring, lowlevel, lowerlimit, lowlevel, lowlimit, maxvalue, measuredvalue, mfg, mhz, minvalue, mustexist, mutex, newsubproperty, nichols, nisessionmanager, nisessionmgr, nogo, nominalvalue, numavg, numavgs, numaverage, numaverages, objectname, opamp, outputon, outputoff, outputenable, outputenabled, outputoff, outputon, outputstate, pll, percentcomplete, percenterror, popup(s), prescale (prescales, prescaler), processmodel, processtype, propertyobject, quartile, readkey, recompiles, recordlength, reinitialization, repeatability, reporttext, rescan, reswick, reversesort, risetime, risingedge, runstate, runstop, rohde, samplerate, sampleswitch, schwarz, setpoints, seq, sequencecall, sequencecontext, sequenceeditor, sequencefile, sequencefilename, sequencefilepath, sequencelist, sequencename, serialnumber, sessionmanager, sessionmgr, sessionname, setnumelements, setvalstringbyoffset, setvalue, sg, siggen, sinusoid, squarewave, src, startup, stationglobal (stationglobals), stddev, stepname, stepresults, steptype, struct, stylesheet, subproperty, subproperties, subrate, svn, switchconfiguration, switchdevicename, switchexec, switchexecsession, switchexecvirtualdevice, swtch, tableheader (tableheaders), testcase, testdata, testequipment, testexecutive, testheader, testmode, testmodule, testname, testprocedure, teststation, testsystem, timebase, timeperdiv, timeperrec, timeperrecord, timestamp, timezone(s), triggerable, triggerholdoff, triggerlevel, triggerposition, triggerslope, triggersource, uncert, uniqueid, unversioned, upconverter, upperlimit, useddefault, userentry, userid, useroptions, uut, (uuts), validatenewelementname, validator, visainstr, voltsperdiv, vout, vpeak, vpp, wavetek, webservice, windowing, workingcopy, writebuffer, writefile, writekey, ziegler, zoomfactor
It would be useful if some of the words in the technical dictionary were case sensitive. I'm thinking about units really. Frequency for example has symbol Hz so therefore MHz or mHz should be permitted but mhz should not.
It would also be nice if there were a way to have an entry in the user dictionary that specified that items were case insensitive. At this point for an item of "lowlevel", I need to enter
which gets really annoying and long when you do that for all of those two word combinations that are commonly used by us engineers, especially if I want to allow any of the upper-lowercase permutations.
More stuff I have found that I wish was available/fixed for spelling checks in VI Analyzer:
(as of 2012) it is flagged as debug enabled. Most VI analyzer stuff is flagged as debug disabled.
I wish I could have a user dictionary (that had ability to have case sensitive and case insensitve stuff), and a project dictionary -- meaning a specific dictionary just for this VI analyzer configuration/project.
I wish I could specifically ignore the file name spelling checks while still checking VI description.
It would be great to check a box in the configuration and automatically split CamelCase words into separate parts and check the individual Camel Case words. That way I won't need to keep adding all the standardized CamelCase usages we have to my user dictionary.
I've run into a few issues with really long strings (either when long string constants somewhere, or more often when I end up analyzing all the values in a multicolumn listbox with values still in place after an execution due to whatever bad coding practice in place that leaves MCLB values in place after execution completes and gets saved with VI). It would be nice to have a "Ignore strings longer than NNNNNN" in spell check options.
Thanks for the feedback, Warren. I have filed myself CAR 562373 to try to get some of these improvements implemented in a future VI Analyzer Toolkit release.
I just ran through a refresh of our internal custom user vi analyzer spell check dictionary (which is case insensitive) against the shipping LV2017 dictionaries.
Below is what we are using in our custom user dictionary that makes sense to add to the community-at-large or maybe even LV 201(n+1). No real preference as to standard dictionary vs technical. Sorry about the formatting -- I'm not a forums wizard.
acc accurrent acos acpower acpowersupply acqmode acqtype adc addr adj admin advantest afg andon antistatic apis apps arb archivable arduino areoflex arrayname asin assetnumber assoc asymptotic atan atm atml att attr attrib auth autodetect autogenerated autolevel autoleveling autoranging autosave autoselect autoset autosetup auxout ave avtech backdoor backlight backlit balun bandwidthlimit bert bertester bertesters bertscope bertscopes bilevel binarysearch bitness blowby bnc bncs bootloader bootup bottomline bowtie bugfix bw bwl cableclone calconstant calconstants camelcase carnegie cert certs cfreq cfrequency cha channellist channelstring chb chinese chk chroma chx chy clockfrequency clockin clockinput clockout clockoutput clocksource cls clust cmds codeload codeupdate coef coeff coeffs coercions coldboot coldboots combobox conf configs consts contactcheck corr coupler couplers cpkhigh cpklow cpp cru csa cstring ctr curr cust cytek dacget dacread dacset dacwrite datafile datafiles datain datalink dataout datapoints datasheet datasource datasources datecompare datestring datetimestring dbase dbdown dccurrent dcoffset dcpowersupply debouncing debundle debundles decodekey decrypts defaultsetup defaulttext defaultvalue degauss dejitter dejittered delaytime deletable deltat descriptors dese deserialize deskewing deskews dest detents devl differentiator digipot digipots directivity dirs disconnectall displayable displaystate displaytype dist dl dlg downlink downsample downsampled dpo dropoff durations dvds dx dy ebits edgetimes eeprom eeproms eg elapsedtime enc eng enob env eq errmsg errormsg ese esr eventcode eventlog eventmessage eventtype exceptioned expr extref fastacq feedthrough fieldname fieldnames fieldtype fieldvalue filehandle filehandles fiso fmax fmin foo foreach freqs fullscreen gbaud ge genlock getdata gethandle gps graticule graticules gsa guardband guardbanded guardbanding guardbands hardcode hardcoded hardcopy heterodyne hexstring hf hg highband highlimit highres hipot holdtime hor horiz horizdelay horiziontalposition horizontalpos horizontalref horizontalreference horizontalsettings horizontalsetup horizpos horizposition horizref horizreference horizscale horpos horposition horscale hpos hposition hscale hscroll huber hw hyperterminal idstring img infiniband initailization initializations inputlevel intermod internals interp interpolator intranet invalidateattributes ipaddress isdn itar iviclass jit jitt jittered jittertype kaizen ke kei keycode keydown keyname keynames keypress keysight keystring keyup ki kss labelprint lan lastresult lecroy len lic lifecycle linenumber linscale logout logscale lowband lowres lowside ls lt luminance macaddr macaddress mainboard mathcad matricies maximumvalue maxsize maxval mbaud mdo measu megohm metadata mgr mib midband midlevel millivolt millivolts mimo minimumvalue minindex minorversion minsize minval misc mixedmode mixmode ml modbit modulename moduletype mousedown mouseup mscript mscripts mso multipoint mux nameof nano nanovoltmeter ne newlines nidcpwr nireport nise nivisa noiserej noisereject nolock nplc nsigma nslookup nulling numacq numacqs numelements oid oidname oidnumber oids onboard ontime openclose orig osc overrange oversample oversamples pairings param parentitem passfail passthrough paycode pcnt pcs peakdetect peltier phaselock phaselocked photodetector photodiode pico picosecond picoseconds pk pkdet pkdetect pkpk pktopk plls polymorphics postexpression postuut potentiometer potentiometers pow powercycle powercycled powerlevel powerline powermeter poweroff poweron powershell powersupply powerup pp preamplifier precal precalibration precheck precond preexpression preload preloads preshoot preuut proc programatic propertydescriptor propertyexists propget propobj propset proxycaller psexec pulsetrigger pulsewidth pwr pxi pxie qty qual rasterizer readback readbuffer readdac readdata readfile readlist readonly readvalue readwfm recalibrate recalibrated recognizer recordlengths recursing refch refchan referencein referenceout refin reflevel reflock reformats refout refwfm regex regularexpression reinstall relaystate releaselock releaselocks repo responsivity resultcount resultlist resultprocessor resync retransmission retransmissions retrigger returncode returnloss returnmsg rf rgbout rgboutput rgboutputs rgbs rolloff rolloffs rom rst runmode rx samplemode samplingmode scaledresult scc searchstring sectionheader sectionname sectionnames selftest sens sensorid sequenceanalyzer sequencefailed sequencefileload sequencefileunload sequencepassed sequencestart sequenceview ser serializable serialtrigger shortname sideband sidebands sigloss signalloss signalout signalsource signaltype sitename skewvalue slewrate sma smu smus sn sngl snubber sourcefreq sourcefrequency sourcelevel sourcemeter sourcepath spanish sre sru stairstep startfrequency startindex startstop starttest starttime stb stdev stim stopafter stopfrequency stopindex stopstart stringin stringout subdir subdirs subinventory submodule submodules subprop subprops subsequence subsequences substep suhner svc sw sweeppoint sweeppoints sweeptime syst tasklist tdr tds tekconnect teklink tekvisa terminators testexec testmethod testpoint testpoints testsignal testsocket testsockets testtime tk toplevel topline torr tostring tri trianglewave triax triggeredge triggeredgesource triggermode triggerpos triggerpulse triggersetup triggerwidth trigholdoff triglevel trigpos trigposition trigsense trigslope trigsource trigwidth trilevel trimwhitespace tsa tsengine tsvariablename tx tyco typ typea typeb un unbiasing underdrive underrange unencrypted ungroup ungroups unitless unitvalue unk unlogged unmanaged unpublish unscaled unsetbusy upsample upsampled uptime userdialog userevent usergroup userinfo utils vals variablename varicap vars vbars vbias vbs vco vert verticalpos verticalposition verticalref verticalreference verticalsettings verticalsetup vertpos vertposition vertref vertreference vertscale vianalyzer videoin videoout vin viname viodia virefnum visacache visaconf visaio visaquery visareset visaresource visaresourcename visawrite vmeas vmeasure vneg voltagelevel voltagelimit vpos vposition vref vscale vscroll vsource vterm vu vw warmboot warmboots wfms whiteflag whitelist whois wiki windowtitle writedac writedata writelogfile writevalue ws wsdl xbar xilinx xing xl xmcd xtal xval xvalue xx xxx ybar ycbcr ypbpr ypbprout ypbproutput ypbproutputs yval yvalue yy zz
Using LV 2020 SP1 I had to add the following: