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LabVIEW INI Tokens for VI Analyzer

The following LabVIEW INI tokens can be used to customize the behavior of the VI Analyzer. Currently, none of these are exposed interactively...editing the INI file is the only way to enable this functionality:

VIAnalyzerLogging=TRUE (added in LabVIEW 8.6)

Enables the creation of a log file for your analysis session. The log file is created here: [LabVIEW Data]\VIAnLog.txt. This file is overwritten with each analysis. The file contains a list of each VI analyzed, each test run on those VIs, the result of the test (Pass, Fail, Error), and how long it took to run each test.

VIAnalyzerEngineCacheSize=number (added in LabVIEW 2009)

To improve performance, the VI Analyzer analysis engine will cache VIs as it analyzes them. The default cache size used by the VI Analyzer is 50. The cache is implemented as a circular buffer. There is no upper limit for this INI token...if your cache is huge, you will most likely see performance problems as more and more VIs are loaded into memory (and kept there).

skipSVNFolders=TRUE (added in LabVIEW 2011)

This INI token causes the VI Analyzer engine to skip over any folder named ".svn" while parsing the disk for the analysis. This INI token is also used by other LabVIEW features (mass compile, e.g.).

skipSCCFolders="foldername" (added in LabVIEW 2011)

Similar to the previous token, but this one allows you to indicate a specific folder name that you want skipped while parsing the disk for the analysis.
