What is a user group?
A user group is a virtual space for people with common interests or goals. User groups within the NI Community are segmented into different categories such as Local User Groups, Product User Groups, Special Interest Groups, and Partner Groups. You also can find a list of local user group community groups organized globally. Within each of these groups, you can collaborate with other users on best practices, plan in-person meetups, or discuss any topic of your choice.
What are the features of user groups?
- Each user group has a main overview page which features the group name, avatar, description, group statistics, and a list of topics.
- Groups may contain discussions, documents, blogs, and idea exchanges. Group owners determine the best mix of content for the needs of the group.
What are the types of user groups?
- Open - The least restrictive kind of group. Non-group members can see the content within a group but cannot see the member list or collaborate until they join the group. Membership is approved automatically when an NI Community member requests to join the group.
- Closed - An NI Community member can see that the group exists, but the content within a closed group is only visible and searchable by group members. An NI Community member must request to join a closed group and a group owner or administrator must approve this request.
- Hidden - These groups cannot be found in the site navigation unless an NI Community member is already a member of the group.
How do I find new groups to join?
How do I join an existing user group?
- If it is an open group, select the "Join the Group" button on the group overview page. You will be automatically added to the group.
- If it is a closed group, select the “Send request to join” button and the group owners and administrators will evaluate your request. You will receive a private message when your request is approved.
How do I access groups I am a member of?
You can find the groups (open, closed, or hidden) that you are a member of under the "My Groups" area on the top of the community homepage. “My Groups” can also be accessed in the menu under your user icon.

Can I receive notifications of new group activity?
You are automatically subscribed to group activity upon joining the group. To unsubscribe, click the Group Options menu and choose Unsubscribe. Visit My Settings > Subscriptions & Notifications to modify how often you want to receive email notifications.
How can I invite someone to join a group?
- If you have the correct privileges to invite other NI Community members, refer to the instructions in Group Owner Policies and FAQ
- If you do not have “invite” privileges, you can share a link to the group with any NI Community member. That member can then join or request to join the group.
How do I navigate in a user group?
- Group Information - General information about the group with a button that you can click to either join or leave a group.
- Group Administration panel - You can only view this panel if you have permission to perform one of these actions.
- Members - A list of the members of the group that only current members of the group can see.
- Contents - Links to discussions, documents, blogs, and idea exchanges that may be found within a group.
- My Groups - A list of groups in which you are a member.
- The announcement and welcome area.
- A list of recent posts across all content types in the user group.
- Start a topic, document, or something else. Changes based on your filter (#9).
- Filter by content type.

How do I create a new user group?
If you are interested in creating a new group, please see Group Owner Policies and FAQ.