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Modifying default VI Tester TestCase template

Following the advice from Fabiola De la Cueva, let me share link to my blog post, regarding modifying of default VI Tester TestCase template.


Original post you could check by this link - http://kosist.org/2020/03/modify-default-vi-tester-testcase-template/, and I'll be very happy to hear any kind of feedback 😃


Actually, everything is very easy and I guess well-known by those, who uses VI Tester.

As as per now VI Tester does not support plugins for custom Test Case templates, we could simply modify the one, which is used by toolkit, and located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW xx\resource\JKI\VI Tester\Templates\TestCase.

I like Given, When, Then template which I've seen at James McNally blog, https://devs.wiresmithtech.com/blog/given-when-then/, so I've included it to testExample.vit template - and now all the time, when new Test Case is created from VI Tester, it is there.


Moreover, you could prepare you custom folder structure, include some additional VIs, files, etc. (personally I don't use private/protected folders, but instead prefer templates and tests virtual folders, etc.).


Hope, that one day with the community and JKI support, VI Tester would have possibility to load custom templates, and use them - as it was proposed in the issue tracker https://github.com/JKISoftware/JKI-VI-Tester/issues/2, but as per now we could anyway modify template manually.

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