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Calculate BER between two USRP RIOs

I'm PhD Student I have not much experience about USRPs. I'm new at this research area.
We have two USRP 2943R. We have NI Labview 2014 , including Modulation Toolkit,USRP intrument drivers.
We  tried NI Labview 2014 niUSRP- Labview Modulation Toolkit Examples. We used two USRP, one of them transmitter another is receiver. We understood niUSRP EX PSK and   niUSRP EX PSK examples. We runned this Vis simultaneously. But I wonder that how could we calculate bit error rate while , two simultaneous vi are runnig.
I know that MT Calculate BER .vi function block, where we should  connect this block on  niUSRP EX PSK . Should we have to synchronize to USRP R for calculate correct BER. Is it possible? We cannot find examples about USRP that calculate BER.
Could you help us please?
Best Regards..
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Message 1 of 8



You may find this example on DPSK helpful as it calculates BER in a fashion that you might be looking for:


As well, you can look up some more information on usage of the Modulation Toolkit's BER VIs with this help page (even though its targeted for LabVIEW Comms, it has a similar implementation in regular LabVIEW):




John Gentile

Applications Engineering

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

Thanks for your reply


These examples are concerned about simulation.  Where do I find BER  Examples that use USRPs

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

As an aside, there are multiple forum threads and posts about this same question and unfortunately the answer is that right now there is no explicit example that just calculates BER. BER and its calculation is very dependent on your modulation and demodulation scheme, so I would suggest you explore how you would calculate BER mathematically given your specific scheme and then work with Modulation Toolkit to implement this.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

hey friend, did you find out the way to do ber?  I got the same question as you do. just use basic bpsk, then I want to see the ber. thank you.

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Message 5 of 8

Unfurtunately,I did not implement ber on real time rios

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Message 6 of 8

hey, friend. Check this link. It seems that this guy did the ber right, but he want to do something more, and he failed.  please let me know what you think? because I am working on ber as well.  thank you.

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Message 7 of 8

My friend, I also post something about the ber problem. if you have any updates, please give me a reply here.  thank you!

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Message 8 of 8