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PostgresSQLDatabase changing database Path


We are trying to uptade systemlink from R3 to Q1. We tested it in an other server first and it's impossible to move the database path for the PostgresSQLDatabase. The service is stuck between starting and initializing. Is it a bug or did we do something wrong, is there a way to solve this problem. We don't want our database to be migrated to our C:\




I want to point also that this command isn't recognized by nislmigrate as this link says:





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Message 1 of 3

Hi sklod

The first I would like to know which version you mean by saying "R3"?

In the document you have attached in your post and in the document, that I have found, there is written that "This tool officially supports migration between SystemLink versions 21.0, 21.1, 21.3, & 21.5. Other versions have not been tested". So, I want to ensure that the version is compatible. 

Also, try to go through the document that I have attached, it might be helpful. 



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Message 2 of 3

Hi sklod,


I assume you mean SystemLink Server 2021 R3, otherwise known as version 21.3.  The nislmigrate tool was designed to bridge exactly these SystemLink Server versions (21.3 to 21.5), so that's a good starting place.  I have seen the PostgreSQL Database service endlessly stuck between starting and initializing when there has been a Repair or Uninstall/Reinstall of SystemLink 2022 Q1.  Did you just install SystemLink 2022 Q1 the one time, or were there iterations?


Are you trying to configure a local/default PostgreSQL, or are you trying to configure a remote/custom location for PostgreSQL in a different folder on the SystemLink Server computer or on a different computer entirely?  I've also seen this state when the external configuration is lacking required credentials or connection string details.


Could you post an exported Troubleshooting Report from the SystemLink Server Configuration dialog?


Brad Turpin

Principal Technical Support Engineer


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