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Error while loading TDR File from SystemLink



I have a SystemLink task (created with DIAdem 2020SP1, running on a SystemLink20.1 server) that has always worked flawlessly.


Yesterday I made un update, and now when I launch it from DIAdem I don't have any issue. But if I try to launch it from SystemLink, about 30% of the times I get this error message:


An error has occurred when executing a Python script:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\PROGRA~1\NATION~1\Shared\DIADEM~1\", line 93, in call_processingevent
File "C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\TDM Server\2020\NodeTemp\Cache_003\4dca360d-3d30-43e7-8b7f-7135f44c8f80\Files\", line 143, in On_Run_AnalysisProcedure
dd.Report.LoadLayout(oContext.Procedure.ScriptPath + "Emission_Cycles.TDR")
File "<COMObject <unknown>>", line 2, in LoadLayout
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, None, "Access violation at address 00007FFE410CA84B in module 'DIATxObj.dll'. Write of address FFFFFFFFD174B4E0", None, 0, -2147418113), None)


The line code that returns the error is:

oContext.LogResult(f"Loading {incaFileName} - {benchFilename}")
oContext.LogResult("DEBUG. Script Path: " + oContext.Procedure.ScriptPath)
dd.Report.LoadLayout(oContext.Procedure.ScriptPath + "Emission_Cycles.TDR")

Basically I am trying to open a .TDR file stored in the .ANP file. Yet, now it often fails and the task returns an error.

It never happened before and it is happening now (not always, and only from SystemLink.


For debug purposes, I've decided to print oContext.Procedure.ScriptPath before calling Load Layout, to make sure it was not it that was causes issues, but it seems that path is always the same (see pictures below).


I think I didn't change anything on SystemLink settings. The only thing I changed was the number of Parallele Requests to compute (from 1 to 4), but I switched back to 1 in case that was the issue, but it didn't work.


Is there something I can check?


Succesful Task:



Task that returns an error:


0 Kudos
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