Some how it didn't work with labview 2012.
Hi there. What kind of problems are you seeing?
Hi I am new to electronics and try following instructions from video and seems like my LCD display blinking very fast but not displaying anything
It sounds like on the LabVIEW side, everything should be working okay; the LCD wouldn't flash on it's own without some successful digital signals being transmitted to it, unless it had been mishandled, but that's a worst case scenario. I'd recommend checking for continuity in your connections against the included schematic diagram.
Do the examples function correctly? Like the LCD Signal Analyzer? If so, I'd be more than happy to take a look at your code and see if I can recommend any changes.
Oh, one thing... When you're debugging, if something hasn't worked, try removing power from the LCD and setting it back up again. The reason I say this is because the Initialise LCD VI does some operations on the LCD which need to be undone by the Close LCD VI; if you run the application without calling the Close LCD VI, you'll have to manually cycle the power to the LCD otherwise none of the functions will work correctly, since the LCD will be sat in a preconfigured state.
Hi Alex,
I was looking for something like this, i figured the usb 6211 should have the capbability to replace the FPGA or PIC controller, I see you have done exactly what I am looking to do,
can you please post a downgraded version of your project to labview 2009?
i want to see what i am doing wrong,
Hey El_Arnulfo,
Sorry for the delay. I've downgraded the files to LabVIEW 8.6; this should work fine for you. Let me know how you get on!
thanks Alex.T
let me download and review.
Best of luck!
Sorry for dealy, I bought new LCD display and now LCD itself doesn't blink. I follow all instruction from your video and still no luck displaying "Hello! World" on LCD. This time courser shows up but not text. Then I tried Hello! world example program, same problem. No text showes up
Have you tried removing power from the LCD, reconnecting it and then running the example again? LCD's can get stuck in odd configurations if you run the VI whilst it's half built, or if the wiring isn't solid. Are you following the wiring guidelines too?
hi Alex,
i am having a bit of an issue, it seems the cursor control is working, upon initializing the cursor goes to position 1-1, and blinks, after clicking on 'update' i get cursor movement, to position 1-13, which leads me to believe it processed the 'hello world!', however no text is displayed,
and of course line two doesnt do anything, display is a bit old (15 yrs)but i have ordered a new display, hopefully that is the problem.
I had same problem, and I tried new display but still not luck
hey Alex, this is awesome!
ok finally figured out why the text was not displaying, my initial comment was correct in that the control signals were being processed correctly, hence there was cursor movement,
so i got text in the first line now, but the second one is blank, i know the code is working, cause if i change the cursor position from 64 to 0 it will write the contents on the top line in the LCD as expected, however, digging into why it doesnt do the 2nd line, i am wondering...
where exactly are you sending the Function Set for 2 lines?
is it in the "initialize" vi?
i havent been able to pin point the exact moment when that happens, i figure something is off at that point.
Function Set | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | DL | N | F | X | X | Set interface data length (DL:8-Bit,4-Bit), numbers of display lines (N:2-Line/1-Line), and display font type. (F:5x11/5x8) |
hey Alex,
nevermind, figured it out too
Hey there!
That's great news. I'm happy to hear that it's finally working for you. I'm sorry for the lateness of my response, but since leaving my intern role at NI, I check these posts a lot less frequently than I used to. You're correct in saying it's in the initialise VI.
Best of luck with the rest of your project.
Hey there!
Hey there!
I have already checked continuity in my connections and everything is ok, but unfortunately I am having the same issue as (El Arnulfo) The cursor movement goes to the position (1-13) but "hello world!" is not displayed as well as the second line. Please tell me how did you get the text displayed?. Specifically, what did you change at the code in the Initialise VI?.
I hope you will help me. I really want to control my LCD display Regards to everyone.
I've already changed the position of the cursor and the text is not displayed.
I have the same problem, I can move the cursor position, but text doesn't appear on my LCD.
Labview version: 12.0.1f2 (32bit)
LCD: WH1602A-NGG-ET# Datasheet , with KS0066 controller (but should be compatible with hd44780).
If you swap RS and R/W everything works like a charm!