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Water Quality Verification System for Student Design Competition 2013

Contact Information

University: National Advanced School of Engineering, Yaoundé, Cameroon

Team Members (with year of graduation): (1) TCHANDÉ Kelly Nadia, (2) TUENO FOTSO Steve, (3) MINSILI MI NKOUYE’E Patrick-H.

Faculty Advisers: André TALLA

Email Address:

Submission Language : English

Project Information

Title: Water Quality Verification System



The “Water Quality Verification System” project is designed to detect pathogen agents and unusual chemical properties in water and then treat that water so that it is safe for consumption.

Project introduction

In many poor regions the access to clean water is still a big problem for populations. In Cameroon particularly, diseases caused by water (in particular cholera), have killed thousands of people.

Our objective through this project is to help people to know whether the water available for consumption is safe or not without waiting for tests of a laboratory, and if it is not, to make it appropriate for consumption.

Design methodology

800 L of water are collected in a tank (tank 1). 100 L of that water are then dumped in tank 2 where chemical analyses are conducted. If these analyses reveal an inappropriate value of the pH, conductivity, turbidity or metal rate, the system switches red lamps on, according to the properties that are incorrect. We start the chemical treatment. At the end, water is tested chemically again and if no problem remains, it goes down in the third tank (tank 3) where bacteriological tests are done. If water is infected, alarm lamps are switched on again and we start the treatment. After the second bacteriological test, if the water is safe, it goes into the last tank (tank 4) and the process starts again until all the 800 L are tested.

Design architecture


The system consists of an association of four tanks aligned vertically in which water progresses during the analysis. The first and the last can contain 800 L but the two others contain only 100 L. Those tanks are connected by pipes and taps. At the levels of tanks 2 and 3, there are several captors which detect respectively chemical elements and bacteria, and transmit data to the program via the NIMydaq and the programs reacts by commending a treatment using appropriate devices through the NIMydaq again (that is in theory because practically we could not acquire the additional hardware we needed to complete the project).

The principal buttons are:2.PNG

- A switch which role is to stop the analysis urgently;

- A button “Randomize” which generates values and determine the quality of water;

- Buttons and scales which allow the user to choose which elements will be present in water and in which proportions;

The two groups of buttons above are used for simulations.

- The button “Analyze all the content” to begin the test.

There are also two groups of four lamps each: the first group is for the chemical test result and the second for the bacteriological test result. Each time something is wrong, a lamp turns on to indicate which chemical elements represent a problem or which germ has been found. When the system is processing the analysis, a green light appears under the label “System busy”.

Functional description

The system we use generates a simulated water test and treatment. There are two ways of entering data. We can click on the button “Randomize”: the system generates random values in the intervals specified for each element (rate of germs: volume of germs par unit volume of water). Then, a function calculates the evolution of the bacteria during time (they multiply slowly). On the other hand, we can choose each value for the chemical properties and decide whether the water contains some germs or not by sliding needles or activating buttons. If there is something wrong in that water, it changes color (from light blue to dark blue).

Once the values are defined, we click on “Analyze all the content” to begin the test. The first tap opens and 100 L of water enter in the chemical test and treatment tank. When the test is over, a text message gives the conclusion: if a treatment is required, the button “Start chemical treatment” appears and we can start the treatment. While the treatment is being done, a text box appears and gives details on what is being done in real time. At the end, the water is tested again, and it enters tank 3 for bacteriological tests and treatment.

In the third tank, a similar process is conducted. The water is tested, a treatment is done if necessary, the water is tested again and when everything is correct, it goes into the final tank. Therefore, that portion of the water is drinkable. The process starts again until the first tank is empty and the last tank is full.









Please, consult the screen captures files joined to see clearly.

Results and discussion

At the end of the process, we obtain clean and safe water that we can drink. To achieve this objective, we faced some challenges. The first problem we encountered was the absence of the additional hardware. We decided, with our mentor, to simulate a real test of water. After that, we faced a difficulty when we tried to make the bacteria proportion vary with time once the button is pressed, starting from a random value between 0 and 1 and increasing with time without reaching 1. The challenge was to get only one random value and to be able to get a different value if the button is deactivated and activated again. We solved that problem by using Boolean variables and functions of time. LabVIEW really facilitated our work because it is simple to use. The graphics help us to follow every instruction and to detect rapidly if there is an error somewhere.

Another difficulty was to make water color change if it is not clear. We browsed the properties of the VI and we found how to make them change during the execution.

Our project has for objective to help people, especially in rural area to protect themselves against water diseases. So, we plan to sell our product to communes, regions, medical centers and laboratories. In this way, people will have at least one place where they will find clean and safe water in their localities. This will help to decrease the number of deaths caused by polluted or infected water (especially by cholera) among the population.


The “Water Quality Verification System” is designed to participate to the fight against cholera and other water diseases that kill so many people living in poor areas. Because it considers both chemical and bacteriological properties, it ensures a better quality of water to the user. If it is commercialized to territorial entity, it will help to prevent epidemics and poisoning of the population.
