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Want to test your mind reading skills? See if you can stump the dealer in this game created using LabVIEW.

Game Description

Stump the dealer is a card game that tests your telepathic skills.  Can you guess the dealer's card?  The dealer shuffles the deck, and then asks you what you think the card on top is.  You guess once, the dealer tells you if the card is higher or lower than your guess, and then you guess one more time.  The object of the game is to get a high score after guessing all the cards in the deck.  You must beat, or "stump," the dealer to win.  If you guess the card correctly on the first try, the dealer gets -10 points.  If you guess the card correctly on the second try, the dealer gets -5 points.  If you do not guess the card correctly, you get negative points for how many cards away your guess was from the dealer's card.  If your final score at the end of 52 rounds is positive, you did well!  Try to get a higher score next time.


1. Download the attached zip file

2. Double-click extract all files (see image below)

3. Double-click the "thedealer40.exe" file to launch the game (see image below)

4. Hit the run arrow below the toolbar to start the game
