Team Members (with year of graduation):
Faculty Advisers:
Email Address:
Submission Language
<Insert brief, one- to two-sentence description.>
<Insert list of NI hardware with model numbers, software, modules, and toolkits used in project.>
<Insert list of other hardware or software required for the project.>
The Challenge
<Which problem were you solving? Insert the description of your project.>
The Solution
<Explain how your project works.>
<Explain the benefits using LabVIEW and NI tools.>
<Insert image(s) of project with captions.>
<Insert video here.>
<Attach VI code (optional).>
<Level of completion (beta, alpha, or fully functional)>
<Time to build>
<Additional revisions that could be made>
Attach Poster (30 in. x 38 in.) and LabVIEW Code
<Include captions for all graphics material. Type your photo or graphic caption underneath each graphic using this 10 pt Times New Roman font. Embed all graphics. Remember—you must provide individual electronic files for each graphic you include in your paper. Place photos in text after first reference—you must include a reference to all graphics in the text. Include screen captures if you use National Instruments software products. Screen captures must have a minimum resolution of 72 dpi at 100 percent. All other graphics must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.>
Nominate Your Professor (optional)
<Insert nomination. Does your professor use LabVIEW or other National Instruments technology to make learning difficult concepts engaging, interesting, and fun? If so, nominate him/her as an outstanding educator by telling us who they are, what they teach, and how they make learning a better experience for you.>